Chapter 13: Consequences of a Fray.

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The first part of the story is based off the last chapter of "Death of A Friend" From the Derek fanfiction, this is after Meg attacks Stiles and he gets home all bruised and such. The rest is relating to the incidents that occured in the episode Frayed and the beginning of Motel California

P.S: I can start updating Reason again ^^ Because its gotten to that point where the two characters will be interacting, whooot. 



Stiles trudged up the stairs of his house, thanking his lucky stars that his father wasn’t home to open the door and see him in his wounded form. Confronting Meg was difficult but he had managed to knock some sense in to her, at his expense of course but it worked and her friend would hopefully be back to normal and he was expecting a long apology.

The wounds stung her claw marks had dug deep but the blood had stopped seeping out so they weren’t as deep, he groaned, the blood was going to be a bitch to wash off; he was going to have to throw the shirt away.

A long bath that should do the trick and wash off all this dirt it can’t be sanitary. He opened his bedroom door and did not expect the hounding questions he received from the frequent visitor that was Ariel Carden.

“What the hell happened?” She demanded with such protective instinct he had never seen in her before, she actually look like she would rip the head off the person who attacked him.

“You told me to watch out for Meg and I did.” He grumbled back stepping in to the room while struggling with his school bag; she took it from him and tossed it into some corner in the room.

“She did this?” Her anger was dissipating but the annoyance was still there, he could see it in the way her eyebrows furrowed and the way she glared at the gashes.

“She didn’t mean to, things got a little out of hand and well I over stepped my boundaries—as usual.”

“Let me see—“She reached out to him.

“No its fine I—“He protested.

“Let me see.”  She stated sternly and the strict piercing gaze cut his words and he stopped struggling. Her expression softened and her stare moved down to his neck, to examine the scars. Her finger tips brushed over the skin delicately; afraid to hurt him, even though her face remained passive he could see the dissatisfaction in her eyes.

“I don’t want my dad finding out, he has enough on his mind—in fact I am not sure if he would notice.” He murmured, she glanced at him before looking to the abrasions again, tugging gently at the collar of his shirt to see how far they ran down.

“He is the sheriff and your father, he will notice.”She replied, Stiles had to admit she had a point. Ariel sighed and leaned back, her hand dropping to her side “Where is your white box with the red plus sign on it?”

He grinned, figures she wouldn’t know what to call a first aid kit, considering werewolves never had to use one.

“In the bathroom under the sink,” He said she nodded and went in search for it; Stiles took the opportunity to sit down on his bed, groaning from the stretch of his muscles. Ariel came back with the box in hand and sat down beside him with the box in between them; she unlatched the locks and began to riffle through the contents.

 “Do you even know what you are doing; I thought werewolves didn’t need to use first aid kits.” He wondered as Ariel began to pull out everything she thought would come in handy.

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