Stuck In My Head

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Miranda's pov

Me and Marie were watching the video in my hotel room. "Ooh steamy!" She says then squeals with excitement. I laugh at her reaction. I still wonder what he meant. I haven't told Marie. I close the laptop and grip my pillow tightly. "Girl, I am so freaked." "What's up Mir?" "Well after the video me and Jason were talking and he said some things." I say. "What'd he say?" She asks, opening the laptop again. It's paused now. "He said in that scene," I say pointing, "He said he held alot of restraint then he walked away." Her eyes go wide, her jaw dropped. "Whoa! What do you think he meant!?" She gasps shocked. I shrug, not having a clue.

Jason's pov

I'm so stupid. I probably scared her saying that. "You should go after her!" Luke says, looking at the pictures on my phone of her. I got them off her Facebook. God am I a freaking stalker?! "I wanna but I think she thinks I'm a perv." "I doubt it man. She's fuckin' hot. I bet there are guys falling all at her feet where she comes from!" He says. "Yeah but I said some things that probably freaked her out." His eyes go wide. "Uh oh. What'd you say?" My face gets hot. I don't wanna say it out loud. I snatch my phone back. "Nothin' man." After Luke leaves, I turn on the TV to CMT. They're already playing the video on TV. "Fans have been quoted calling it the steamiest video yet. What is gonna be in store for this? Jason Aldean's career is gonna skyrocket thanks to this video." The announcer says. Just seeing her on the screen drives me wild. I turn the TV off and pull up YouTube on my laptop. I turn the video on and man is she so hot. I'm getting turned on just watching the damned video. This is gonna really torture me.

Miranda's pov

*3 days later*

I get back home to Louisiana. "I still think you should've talked to him." Marie says. I sigh and shake my head. "There's no way that hunk of a man would like a girl like me!" She shakes her head. I lay down and Marie goes home.

*in her dream*

I'm surprised to see Jason walk out of my bathroom, a towel wrapped around his waist. "I was thinkin' tonight we go to that new Mexican place." He says sitting down. I'm so shocked. What's going on? "Wait a sec I forgot. You don't like Mexican do you?" I shake my head. "Then you choose darlin' I'm too tired to think." He lays down beside me. I was now sitting up.

*she wakes up*

Oh man. Jason laying in my bed. Wow. I turn to social media to distract myself from that dream. I'm surprised to see a post from him. Ugh I'm trying to distract myself away from him! It was a picture off my Facebook! The caption said, "One of the best video girls I've ever had. I'm sure glad I got to hang out with her." My eyes go wide. My doorbell rings, making me jump. I get up and peek out the window. A big white Ford. Is that Jason's truck?

Jason's pov

I'm doing it. I don't care anymore. I'm going to ask her out. The door opens, her eyes go wide. "I know it's kinda last minute and I hope ya don't think I'm some weird pervert but ya wanna go out tonight?" "Wow sure, I'd love to! Lemme just go get ready." She closes the door and I walk back to my truck nervous beyond means. But she said yes!

Miranda's pov

I look out my window. He pumps his fist in the air with a huge smile on his face. I laugh slightly. I rush to get ready and meet him outside. His eyes get huge when he sees me and he backs up, tripping over his own feet. I cover my mouth to keep from laughing. He turns super red. "Why would you think I'd think you were a pervert?" I ask, still surprised by that. "I uh.... Well.... What I said.... The last day of filming." Oh him holding restraint. He stands back up. "Well uh shall we?" He asks, opening the passenger door. I get in and he gets in the driver side. "Where to?" "Anything but Mexican food. I hate Mexican food." He smiles. "I'll be sure to remember that." My eyes go wide, remembering my dream.


"I took a Louisville slugger to both headlights, smashed a hole in all four tires, maybe next time he'll think before he cheats!" The radio blasts while we lay on the tailgate watching the stars. "It sure is a nice night." I whisper. "How about a little test drive down by the lake?" He asks, smiling down at me. "Only one way to get there." I say, smiling. "Gotta get a little mud on the tires." He laughs and hops down. "Okay Brad Paisely hang on." I jump out too though.


I enjoyed tonight. I wish he didn't have to leave. "I uh I had a good time." He says, holding my hand avoiding eye contact. "I did too." He slowly and reluctantly pulls away and goes to his truck, glancing back at me once more before driving away.

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