Alot In One Chapter

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Jason's pov

"I'm glad my parents came back from Vegas." She whispers, laying in my arms. We were at Luke's having a movie night. "Me too baby. And I'm all about forgive and forget." "Do you think James will ever forgive them?" He shrugs. "We all have our own paths honey." Luke comes back after Alice woke up. Marie was asleep and the boys were at Caroline's, Luke's ex wife's house. He sighs and covers his eyes with his hand. "You okay, buddy?" I ask. "Ugh just Caroline is trying her damndest to get full custody of the boys." My eyes go wide. "What?! She can't do that!!" "I know. I'm gonna fight tooth and nail." He says, frustration in his eyes.

*the next day*

I go talk to James. "I'm sure you've heard the news, right?" "What news?" He asks crossing his arms. "Sorry man I don't read any of that celebrity gossip crap. I only know what my little sister tells me." "We're well... She's pregnant." His eyes go wide. "Whoa! You're kidding!" He gasps wide eyed. "We've been tryin' for almost a year now and I started to doubt it'll ever happen." "Wow I'm gonna be an uncle." I smile. "You sure are! Oh and James, you should really talk to your parents." "No way. Not happening. They abandoned us all those years ago. They don't deserve forgiveness." "James, everyone makes mistakes. I wasn't always the good guy you see today and trust me you'll regret it if you don't." His eyes go wide. Uh.... I think I said too much. I quickly slip away before he can ask. I was heading home when I was stopped by Clara! Uh oh. "I thought I got rid of ya the night of that party!" I grumble glaring at her. "You thought incorrectly cowboy. We never filed divorce papers so technically you're still married to me!" My eyes go wide. "No! I'm not! I'm married to someone else! I want a divorce right the hell now!" She smiles. "Ok but if we get divorced, I get half of everything you own!" What?! This is fucked up! "No you don't! Screw you! I'm goin' home!" I snap, stomping passed her. "Could this day get any worse!" Then it starts to rain. I glare at the sky. "Thanks a lot." I mutter, walking home in the rain.

Miranda's pov

Jason walks in thoroughly pissed off and soaking wet. "Whoa! You okay?" He stares at his boots. "We've got a serious problem. According to Clara, we never officially got divorced! So I'm technically still married to her!" My eyes go wide. He leans a hand against the wall, the other covering his eyes. "What do I do?! This day has just been one bad thing after another!" He shouts, punching the wall, leaving a hole. I gasp in surprise. "Just get a divorce!" I say, walking over and resting a hand on his arm. "I can't! She'll get half of everything I own!" I roll my eyes. "She pulled that shit on you? No. I know a way around that. Thanks to my brother." His eyes go wide. "What do you mean?" "James is a kickass lawyer. You're gonna be fine." "Phew. I thought I had some serious trouble on my hands." I talk to James and he gets a court date set up.

*day of court date*

"Apparently we never signed divorce papers and now she refuses to sign them." Jason says when they ask for an opening statement. James stands up and gives us a reassuring smile. "He's got this." I say, holding his hand. "I hope so." He mumbles. James does his wowing the judge and jury thing. "I hope all this added stress isn't getting to you." He whispers. I shake my head. I hug him.


The judge files it in our court. "Just sign the damn papers woman!" He yells at Clara. Jason sighs, watching the argument. "No I don't want us to be over!" She cries.

Jason's pov

Something inside me just snaps hearing her say that! "There is no us, Clara! They're never was an us! We met in Vegas and drunkenly got married and tried to make it work! I'm sorry it didn't work out! But you have to move on...... Because..... Because I have and if you just let go of the past.... You.... You could find someone as great as I have." I turn towards my now shocked wife. "You're the girl I love. I'm so glad to be married to you." "Well technically you're not really married since you were never divorced from little miss priss." James says pointing. "So..... Our marriage technically isn't legal!?" Miranda gasps, about to cry. It will be. Clara signs the papers and I pull the ring off my finger and grab her hands then I drop to one knee, looking into her beautiful blue tearfilled eyes. "Miranda, will you remarry me then?" She smiles through the tears. "Oh Jason! Yes!" I stand back up and spin her around then kiss her. The judge walks over. "I can officianate it." "Actually if it's all the same to you, your honor, I have someone else in my mind."

*a few days later*

Miranda's pov

I get dressed in the same camo shirt and blue jeans we did this in the first time. This time around, I'm showing off a little baby bump. I rest my hands on it and smile. "I can't wait for you to get here." I whisper. I smile, seeing James. "Dad walked you down the first time and said I could do the honors this go around." I turn around wide eyed. "You and dad are talking again?!" He chuckles softly and nods. "Well a really close friend of mine said I'd regret it if I didn't." I hug my brother tightly and he walks me down the aisle to Jason, Luke who is the best man, and Willie." "I'm getting a little deja vu thing." My silly cowboy says. I roll my eyes.


"Do you Jason take Miranda to be your lawfully wedded wife to love and to hold, in sickness and in health, til death do you part?" Willie asks. I wipe the tears from my eyes. "I do." He says. "And do you Miranda take Jason to be your lawfully wedded husband to love and to hold in sickness and in health til death do you part." "In a heartbeat." I whisper. He smiles and closes his book. "Then I gladly and yet again pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the cowboy." Jason kisses me again on the altar and holds me tight. "I didn't think I'd cry a second time around." I whisper, my face buried in his neck. "It's just your hormones baby. You're still my big strong brave girl." I smile. "Oh Jason, I love you!" "I love you too baby!"

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