Very Inappropriate Behavior

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Jason's pov

Luke came over while I had a beer. "You okay man?" "No I feel horrible. I can't stand that I ran over her." I mumble, tired and buzzed. "It's okay. She's okay." "I know it's just.... Oh man." He sighs and grabs a beer himself. "I think you should get up there. I'm sure the first thing she wants to see is you." "I'm probably the last person she wants to see." I murmur sadly. "Jason, you and I both know that's bullshit! She knows it was an accident." I roll my eyes annoyed. "I won't get passed security buzzed like I am." He stands up and crosses his arms. "Get up." "Lay off me, man." "Dammit, Jason you are one stubborn son of a gun!" "And proud of it now get lost, Captain Clumsy." He glares at me but I really don't care right now. I get up to grab another beer and he grabs my shirt. "Luke ya got five seconds before I-" "Shut up and get in my truck!" He yells, catching me off guard. "What's the matter with you man!?" "You're being a stubborn asshole that's what's wrong with me! Now get moving, ya drunk idiot." "I ain't drunk." I mutter angrily getting in his truck. We drive up there. First thing I see is James pacing back and forth, mumbling to himself. Everyone else looks scared too. "Guys what's goin' on?" "This is why I had to come get you. She had a siezure and is unconscious. I figured you needed to know." "Dammit, you idiot! Why didn't you tell me this sooner!" I yelp, running passed him in the direction of her room but Marie trips me and I fall to my knees in surprise. "What the hell Marie?!" I screech. "You can't go back there right now!" She says, pissing me off. "Then why.... In the fuck.... DID YA BRING MY DRUNK ASS UP HERE?!"

Luke's pov

Damn, he's such a hothead. He sits down mumbling angrily to himself. "What's a guy gotta do to get a drink around here?" He mutters as I sit beside him. "You're an idiot, Luke." "And you're a temperamental hotheaded redneck!" I say, trying hard not to smile. "Dipshit." He mutters, smirking. "Douchebag." I say. He laughs. "Retard." He says. We both laugh. "Oh shut up you're both dumbasses!" Jamess yells, shutting us up instantly. He glares at him annoyed. "Bastard." He growls under his breath at the older brother. "Hey Jason, ya wann jump outta here for a smoke?" "You know I don't smoke anymore." He says, glaring at me. "It's a figure of speech idiot." He rolls his eyes. "Yeah. Let's get outta here."


We were drinking in the back of his pick up. "Ya know we both need designateds now. Cause I'm wasted." He says, standing on the roof of his truck. I laugh when he falls off.

Jason's pov

Oh man, my head hurts. And it ain't just from the alcohol. I try to sit up but the parking lot spins. Whatever. I lay my head back and fall asleep on the parking lot ground.

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