Darkscar's Secret

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Voiletpaw, Thunderpaw, and Redpaw woke up. They were doing the elders bedding today. "At least we can listen to stories!" Said Redpaw excitedly. Wow, he can really look forward to cleaning bedding?? Voiletpaw thought. Authors Note- BTW Voiletpaw is the main character.
The apprentices returned from getting fresh bedding. One warrior smirked, "Ha! These little apprentices are clearing out bedding! Ha!" Voiletpaw remembered he was called Darkscar. "Leave us alone Darkscar! Everyone knows you a descendent from ShadowClan and ShadowClan cats hearts were flilled with evil! You might be a relative to Tigerstar! Or Brokenstar! I wouldn't be laughing!" Snarled Thunderpaw. Redpaw flattened his ears. Darktail was one of the most fierce warriors and Thunderpaw stood up to him! Voiletpaw felt admiration toward her Clanmate.
The apprentices finally reached the elder's den. The den was a clear part of the clearing, it was kind of like a mini camp. It was Sunhigh and the apprentices got to work. Indigopelt started telling a story about the three Clans, OtterClan, VineClan, and OakClan came to be. "Once there was a huge battle, this one was the second battle against the Dark Forest." This Dark Forest war was like the Clivil War cat version. "But in this one the Clans lost. All the survivors decided to meet on the island. And when they did they divided into Clans again. Only this time there were 3 Clans instead of 4. Rumors spread that Darkscar's Hawkfrost and some other she-cat has a kit and that kit was Darkscar. Darkscar grew up hidden from his Clanmates in RiverClan. If you all remember, Hawkfrost's father was Tigerstar and his mother was a rouge called Sasha. But we are not here to talk about Darkscar are we? Are you young'uns done yet?" Indigopelt finished.

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