Darkscar purred. He got Burnkit at his command. Seedstorm tried to keep her kits away from him but it did not work. So, your going to try to be like Tigerstar? Huh? If you want to you have to listen to me. Said a voice in his head. I am Badgerheart. I am named after my heart. If you want to meet me then go to sleep. Badgerheart growled. Darkscar headed off to his nest. He wanted to meet Badgerheart. He drifted off to sleep.
Badgerheart purred. He had another cat listing to him. He saw a shimmering shape and realized that is was Darkscar. "Ah, you made it." He growled. Darkscar smirked. "Why would I not?" He purred in a soft tone. "So, your plans. You need to make them more power hungry. By the way, welcome to the Dark Forest." Badgerheart said, scoffing. " You want to kill Ivystar? Your not going to made deputy without a connection to Dovewing." Another shimmering shape appeared. Darkscar and Badgerheart did not notice.
Blazekit woke from his nap. Where am I? He wondered. It did not look like StarClan. He knew because he had been there before. He spotted two figures in the distance. He spotted a sleek black tom with deep cruel amber eyes. His father! The other tom, black with white stripes, he did not recognize. "For you plan to work, you need to become close to Dovewing." The badger looking tom said to his father. "Your right Badgerheart." Blazekit's father growled. This, Badgerheart sniffed around. His head turned toward the direction that Blazekit was standing. Blazekit squeaked and ran toward StarClan hunting grounds. A blue she-cat came to greet him. "Hello, I am Bluestar. Former leader of ThunderClan." Bluestar said. A bright ginger tom padded up the slope. "Hi! I'm Firestar. Also a former leader of ThunderClan." Bluestar flicked her tail. Featherpaw appeared behind her. "Featherpaw, it is not your destiny to be a medicine cat." Bluestar said softly. You will give birth and those kits must be born. Also, Blazekit must be a medicine cat." Bluestar said softly.
Time Skip. Bout 4 moons
Leafflight and Sleektail called to their apprentices. Redpaw and Voiletpaw came out of the den. "Come on sleepy heads!" Leafflight purred. "We are going hunting." She added. Leafflight's brother was less optimistic then her. The small patrol went hunting. This was their last hunting session before their assessments. Featherpaw switched her mentors. She got the mentor she was given at the ceremony. The patrol came back, each holding 2 pieces of prey.

Voiletoak and Thunderseed's Choice
RomanceVoiletkit is born to Nettlespot, she is a she-cat from a long time ago that was named Violetdawn. She struggles to fit in Clan life. Finally she finds a mate who loves her. A bright ginger tom. He used to be Thunderstar, but now he is Thunderseed, t...