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"If they've done what they strove to do, then why are we leaving?" I asked.

Dan didn't answer straight away. His eyes were dead set on the road, reminding me of when Dad drove the van earlier that day.

He said finally, "To find out the full truth."

Cassidy lives like most other under 21s – she follows the law. She doesn't drink, drive, move out, go out past curfew or vote. She knows that if she doesn't follow the government's laws, she risks being taken away. Rebellious behaviour cannot be tolerated under any circumstances, especially with her parents watching her every move.

The rules have been in place for a long time – the Democrats have beaten the Republicans in the New Elections for the past 60 years. Anyone that chooses not to follow the rules can drop out and become what's known as an Outcast, but then you risk being imprisoned.

While America seems to be running perfectly under these laws, a rebellion is stirring amongst the professionals. The Republicans aren't happy about their lack of power, and something has to be done about it.

With secrets and lies in government and families alike to change the future of America forever, Cassidy finds herself caught up in the middle of the all out war that is about to break out. What she thought she knew about her world is about to change forever, bringing everyone she knows down with her.

DISCLAIMER 2016: This book is a few years old at this point, and due to the political uproar in American in 2016 I feel the need to make this abundantly clear. Outcasts takes place in a dystopian world in an undetermined year in the future, and the political parties depicted in this story - the Republicans and the Democrats - are in no way, shape or form a commentary on their real-life counterparts. I had very little knowledge of American politics when I wrote this story, and if I could go back and change their names I would. Throughout the story you will read of absurd flaws in both party agendas, and in no way did I ever intend to shame or defame the real life Republican and Democratic parties of America. See them as purely fictitious - that's what they are, after all.

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