Chapter 1

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Naruto Fan-Fiction (Kiba X OC X Gaara) - Chapter 1

The village Hidden in the Leaves was quiet. There was a gentle breeze and the air smelled like early spring. The cherry trees had their branches full of vibrant pink blossoms and everything was a beautiful, healthy shade of green. I loved the spring. It was my favorite season because of its unique and lively beauty. My clan, the Kyatto, held many festivals during the springtime, which I'd been hoping to enjoy, but that morning a request for my presence in the Hokage's office had been sent to my house, and I immediately knew that I'd certainly miss out on all of the festivities.

Slowly walking into Lord Hokage's office, I stopped and took a short moment to survey my surrounding. There were three other people in the room besides the Sixth Hokage and myself. I ignored them and sauntered up to the Hokage's deck.

"You summoned me, Kakashi-sensei— I mean, Lord Hokage." I blushed lightly from my mistake, but he didn't seem to care. Kakashi had been my sensei when I was a genin and I still hadn't gotten used to him being Hokage.

"Yes, I did. I have a mission for you." He looked at me warmly, obviously smiling beneath his mask. "You see our guests there—" he gestured to my left, and I quickly glanced over, noticing the Kazekage, Gaara, and his sister, Temari. "You and Kiba will be escorting them back to the Sand Village, understood?"

I gasped. "What? You want Kiba and me escorting them? As in, the two of us work together? Kakashi, you know that our clans hate each other."

Hearing a snort to my right, I looked over at Kiba. He was standing with his arms crossed over his chest and a sneer on his face. "You think I like this anymore than you, cat-freak?" he snipped.

"What'd you say, you little mutt?" I clenched my fists at my side.

Swiftly, Kakashi put himself in between Kiba and me, stopping an unwanted fight before it broke out. "That's enough, you two. Put your differences aside and complete this mission. I find it hard to believe that your two clans make such a fuss over one preferring cat companions and the other preferring dogs. If you ask me, it's pretty childish." He shrugged his shoulders. "But that's just my opinion. Anyway, you set out tomorrow morning. Try to get along, alright?"

I nodded. "Yes, Lord Hokage."


Brushing a strand of my blonde hair out of my face, I sighed deeply and sat down on the stone bench that was by the exit of the village. I'd decided that it was best to get up early and train before setting out, but even after finishing I still seemed to have extra time before the others met with me at the gate.

Part of me was excited for the mission, because it'd been a very long time since I'd seen Gaara and Temari. However, another part of me was dreading it, since I had to work with Kiba. Him and I had never gotten along because of the rift between our clans. We'd come to be enemies and rivals when we were in the academy, and after graduating we'd luckily never been put together on a mission. It would be our first time being forced to work with each other, and I didn't know if we'd be able to put aside our hate.

"Here early too, cat?"

I didn't need to look to know who it was. "Kiba," I said, looking at my hands. "You know I have a name, don't you? Try to use it, please."

I heard him grunt. "Fine, Mikami." He sat down next to me. "I don't know about you, but I'm going to try to get along with you. Just for this mission, though. Afterward, it's back to how it was."

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