Chapter 3

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Naruto Fan-Fiction (Gaara X OC X Kiba) – Chapter 3

The sun created swaying dapples of light on the ground as it reached through the thick canopy of leaves above us. Akamaru and Kiba were walking ahead, scenting for any danger, while Gaara and I guarded the back and Temari watched our flanks from the middle. There was an awkward air of silence between the red-haired Kazekage and I. However, I seemed to be the only one that noticed it. He just looked calmly forward, not even paying much mind to me. That was what he was like, though: silent and placid.

Wiping the sweat from my forehead, I tried to calm my nerves. This wasn't the place or time to be getting anxious because of some boy—I knew better than that. I wasn't that little girl from academy that swooned over attractive boys anymore. I was older and wiser. I was an accomplished Jonin now. Shaking my head, I pressed the cold backs of my hand against my burning cheeks.

"Are you getting too warm, Mikami?" Gaara asked suddenly, making me jump slightly in surprise.

I looked over at him, my gaze locking with his. Gulping, I felt my cheeks burning even brighter as I recalled what he said to me the night before, "Close your eyes and sleep, Mikami. You'll need your strength for tomorrow. And for when I finally have you alone."

"Oh, no," I said, trying to keep my voice steady. "I'm fine—really. It's just kinda hot out today."

"That it is," he agreed.

Again there was that annoyingly awkward silence.

I wanted to say more to him. I wanted the awkward aura around us to merely drift away into the wind. I thought then that perhaps I shouldn't have done what I had. Perhaps I should have just let him leave me with his jacket, and then everything would have been so much easier—so much simpler. Perhaps I shouldn't let my emotions control my actions so much. Perhaps I—

Suddenly, something sharp imbedded itself into my shoulder blade. I collapsed onto the ground, grabbing at my arm as pain burned over my flesh. Reaching back, I pulled out the kunai, before turning and throwing it off in the direction that it had came. There was no cry of pain so I knew that I had missed. Groaning, I crippled over in agony, my eyes squinting shut as I tried to endure it.

In the next instant, Gaara was standing in front of me protectively. "Are you alright?" he asked me over his shoulder.

"Yeah," I said, standing up unsteadily as I grasped my shoulder. "I should live. It didn't go too deep."

"Good." Gaara looked back towards the trees. "You weren't watching you're side. You should know better, Mikami."

I opened my mouth to agree with him, but I was interrupted as another kunai broke through the trees, headed right towards me. With simple, swift movements, I caught it between my fingers, ignoring the pain that erupted over my body. Flipping the blade around, I leapt into the air and threw it again towards where I thought the attacker was. This time, unlike the first, there was a soft groan and frantic rustling in the underbrush. He was fleeing.

"Should we go after him?" I asked Gaara as I gracefully landed back on the ground.

"No, you stay here. Temari and I can handle this," he replied.

"But, Kiba and I are supposed to be guarding you, not you two guarding us," I argued.

Fixing me with a hard stare, Gaara took off into the woods with Temari close behind him. He was stubborn—almost as stubborn as I was. Shaking my head, I prepared to follow them, but was stopped as someone grabbed my arm. I looked at who it was: Kiba.

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