Chapter 5

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Naruto Fan-Fiction (Gaara X OC X Kiba) - Chapter 5

It was dark when we decided to stop and set up camp. We were where the thick forests stopped and the shrub-plagued fields began. We hadn't been fortunate enough to find any type of cave or structure like last time, so we would be sleeping beneath the sheltering arms of the trees. To help get settled for the night, each of us had volunteered for a task. Kiba took fire duty, Temari decided to scout around for any danger, and Gaara and I were stuck with collecting enough firewood to last us through the night.

Sighing, I walked back by the fire and threw down the sticks that I had collected before returning to my search for more. As I left the range of the fire's light, I was suddenly pressed against a tree by two strong hands on my shoulders. I prepared to punch my attacker but stopped as I saw that it was Gaara. He was staring at me with troubled turquoise eyes, and his forehead was wrinkled with concern.

"Gaara?" I breathed, "What's wrong?"

"How could you say that we weren't worried about you?" He inquired harshly.

My eyes widened. "I was only joking when I said that, Gaara." I paused. "But you certainly didn't seem too troubled by my absence."

Gaara closed his eyes and then turned his face away from me. "Mikami, you know that I have trouble expressing my feelings." He looked back at me, his gaze locking with my own. "It makes people believe that I am cold and frightening. It causes them to avoid me out of fear. That is not how I really am, though, inside here--" he placed one of his hands over his heart "--I wish that I could better express myself, but it seems that I've been cursed to wear a constant facade of indifference." He grabbed one of my hands then and placed it on his chest. "Can you feel it? My heart?"

Against my palm was a constant, steady pulsing. "Yeah," I whispered, blushing. "I can feel it. It's beating really fast."

The Kazekage smiled, faintly. "If I have a heart, then that means that I must have emotions, right?" I nodded, and he let go of my hand. "I was worried about you, Mikami. I'd like to think that I was the most worried. However, it seems that Kiba has come to share the same feelings for you that I have."

I blushed. "How could you tell?"

"I may not be able to express myself well, but I can still read people. It wasn't very hard to piece together. He was frantic when you were taken. He kept on blaming himself and yelling at Temari and I." Gaara sighed. "So, you were taken out by a genjustu?"

I shook my head frantically. "No! It wasn't genjustu!Those two guys explained it to me before I killed them! They said that it was a type of sharingan."

"Sharingan?" Gaara's eyes widened. "I see. You might want to tell that to Kiba, before he tortures himself too much."

I gasped. "I'll do that now!"

Beginning to walk away, I stopped and rushed back to the Kazekage. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I stood on my tip-toes and embraced him tightly. After a moment of surprise, he rested his hands on my waist and pulled my body closer to his, so that there was no longer any space separating us. Sighing contently, I placed a kiss on his cheek, before exiting the embrace and rushing back to the fire where Kiba was with Akamaru.

I stopped and he looked up at me. "Kiba," I began, "I... Gaara told me that you blame yourself."

His gaze turned to the ground. "I'm supposed to be a jonin, but I fell victim to a genjustu and let one of my squad mates get taken. That's pretty pathetic, if you ask me. I shouldn't be a jonin." He ran his hands through his hair.

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