Chapter 2

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Naruto Fan-Fiction (Kiba X OC X Gaara) - Chapter 2

I walked into the cave silently. Temari, Gaara, and Akamaru were all sitting around the fire. The two Sand Village ninja were talking quietly amongst themselves with serious expressions plastered on their faces, which immediately peaked my interests; however, I wasn't curious enough to listen in on them. I felt completely exhausted and drained after my run-in with Kiba, and the only thing that I was intent on doing was going to sleep.

Shuffling over to my bag the lay at the back of the hollow, I collapsed onto the rocky ground and folded my arms beneath my head. For a few moments, I watched the flames of the fire as they reached and lapped at the air, twirling and swaying in a seductive dance. Their gentle movements put my mind at ease, and soon, my eyelids felt heavy. Yawning, I let out a soft sigh, before going willing into the land of dreams.

Later into the night, I awoke felling cold and wet. The fire had gone out, and water was dripping from the stalactites above, falling onto my face. Rolling back, out of the way of the dripping water, I wiped vigorously at my cheeks, removing the moisture, before wrapping my arms tightly around myself and pulling my legs close to my chest. I was shivering uncontrollably despite my attempts to conserve my body heat.

That was when I heard footsteps slowly approaching.

Looking up, I saw Gaara standing over me. Unbuttoning his jacket, he knelt down and draped it over my shoulders. It was warm and smelled like him: sand and sweat. When he tried to stand back up, I grabbed his hand, stopping him.

"Stay," I whispered gently, my eyes softly pleading with him.

Not saying a single word, he laid down beside me. Smiling, I cuddled into his side and placed my head on his shoulder. I could hear his heart beating quickly inside his chest. I made him nervous, I realized, and I knew exactly why: there was an attraction between us—the same lustful magnetism that I had with Kiba.

"You're tense," I observed aloud.

"I apologize," he said calmly.

"Is it because of me?" I inquired, propping myself up with one arm and looking into his eyes.

I could hear his breath hitch in his throat. He opened his mouth to say something, but then closed it without uttering a word. Furrowing his brow, he looked up at me as if he were contemplating something. Reaching his hand up, he tucked a loose strand of my long hair behind my ear. His fingers lingered where they were for a moment, before moving to the back of my head and guiding my face towards his.

Hesitantly, he pressed his lips against mine. He was inexperienced; however, after awhile of our lips gliding together, he seemed to get used to the act of innocent kissing, and decided to deepen the exchange by pulling me on top of him and using my surprise as an opportunity to slide his tongue inside of my mouth. He fought me roughly for dominance and I pushed back with just as much force and stubbornness.

As things began to get heated, I pulled back for air, my gasps and pants matching his. Looking down at him, I saw a reflection of my own lust and hunger dancing in his eyes. He wanted me just as much as I wanted him. Bowing my head, I kissed his neck, making him tense in surprise. Smirking, I nipped lightly at where I'd just kissed, earning a soft groan from Gaara.

Running my hands down his chest, feeling the fabric of his shirt and the soft ripple of the muscle and flesh beneath, a knot of swirling desire began forming in my stomach. Adjusting myself so that my hips lined up with his, I gently ground against him; the sensation of his erection rubbing against my heat through our clothing was completely invigorating. Gasping from the unexpected pleasure, Gaara grabbed my legs and began guiding my movements—his breaths growing short and shallow.

Moaning lightly, biting my lower lip in an attempt to suppress the sound, I lifted his shirt up over his head and discarded it onto the ground next to us. Seeing his exposed abdomen made a light blush spring to my cheeks. There was the occasional white scar that stood out against the rest on his fair skin; I traced each one of them with my fingers, making him tremble from my soft touch. Running my hands down his stomach, I teasingly played with the hem of his pants.

"Don't tease," he said, grabbing my hands roughly.

Flipping us over, Gaara pressed his body up against mine and forcefully captured my lips with his. Snaking my arms around his neck, I lightly pulled at his hair, earning a soft groan of pleasure. Breaking the kiss, Gaara attacked my neck with gentle bites and sucking. I sighed in content, before speaking.

"Gaara," I started, my voice light and barely above a whisper. "We... We can't here. The others are just feet away... If they hear us..."

Gaara drew away from my neck and looked into my eyes, making my cheeks heat up even more. "You're right," he said lowly, "however, I don't know if I can just leave now." He moved a little and I felt the bulge in his pants rub against my inner thigh.

I sighed. "I guess we'll just have to be as quiet as possible."

He shook his head. "I don't want to take you like this." He seemed to be having an internal battle with himself. His brow was furrowed and his jaw was clenched tightly as if he were in pain.

My eyes widened. That was exactly what Kiba had said with that same exact look on his face. "I understand." Turning my head to the side, I averted my gaze to the wall. I suddenly felt like a complete slut. First, I was willing to have sex with my old enemy in the woods. Then, I was going to fool around with the Kazekage while my comrades slept in the same space as us. My cheeks were burning with shame and embarrassment.

"Do not look that way, Mikami," Gaara said, placing two fingers on my jaw and forcing me to look at him. "We all fall victim to our emotions. You and I are no exceptions. Do not be abashed."

Sitting back on my thighs, Gaara reached over and grabbed his shirt, pulling it over his head, before lying back down next to me. I cuddled into his side hesitantly, my body shaking slightly with an intense spurt of mortification.

"Close your eyes and sleep, Mikami," Gaara whispered. "You'll need your strength for tomorrow." He moved his face close to my ear. "And for when I finally have you alone."

I could feel my entire body heat up, but I complied and closed my eyes, letting myself drift away into my dreams, which were filled with fantasies of Gaara and Kiba.

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