1: bleeding lines

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He won't find out. I'll hide them. He's doesn't even look at my arms. I hope. I just hate being bullied. It's too much. I'm so hated on because I'm just the drummer. People say I'm not important but I'm just as important as Tyler. I love Tyler. I mean he's my best friend and I love him like that.

I glanced down at my arm which is now covered in blood and lines. I dropped my knife and cried. Tyler is gonna hate me now. I have to hide them. He'll hate me. He'll kick me out of the band, for real this time. I washed my arms then heard a knock at the door. "Josh? Are you ok?" I heard Tyler ask. Right we're on tour so he could probably hear me crying. "Y-yeah. I'm f-fine" I lied and washed my arm off before drying my eyes and walking out of the small bathroom.

Tyler looked at me and sighed "Josh what's wrong?" He asked really concerned so I just shook my head. He looked at me then glanced at my arm. He pulled my arm toward him and rolled up my sleeve.

I watched his face go from concerned to I'm sorry and felt terrible about it. "Josh why?" He asked trying not to cry. "I'm sorry Tyler" I sniffled and he shook his head. " I asked why not for an apology" he told me so I stared at my feet. "Everyone hates on me. I get so much bullshit about just being the drummer and not being important. Someone said that I should just quit because I'm not good enough to be in your band" I explained before I started to cry. Tyler didn't say anything. He just stepped forward and hugged me.

I dried my eyes and looked him in the eyes. "Josh, if it wasn't for you I wouldn't be able to perform in front of all those people. They may not think you're not important but you're the most important person to me" he told me so I smiled slightly. "Thank you" I told him so he nodded. "Now. Get some sleep, we have a show tomorrow" he told me then I walked over to the bunks.

I stopped before climbing into my bunk. "Tyler, how's your scars?" I asked so he showed me him scar covered arms. "They're healing" he sighed so I hugged him before I climbed up into my bunk. I accidentally stepped on Mark's hand on the way up and he groaned. "Sorry" I whispered before covering myself with a blanket and going to sleep.

I looked around and I'm on an empty stage with my drums. I smiled and started playing with nobody in the auditorium. "You suck!" I heard so I saw a black blurry figure standing in front of the stage. I just hit my drums harder. "You're not important! Tyler doesn't need you!" Another blurry figure yelled. I hit harder, ignoring them the best I can. "Get off the stage!" Another blurry figure yelled.
"You suck!"
"You're not important!"
"Kill yourself!"
"Tyler doesn't need you!"
All these things were repeated by the figures. I stopped playing and one blurry figure approached me. "Who are you?" I asked nervously "my name's Blurryface and I care what you think" it said referencing Tyler's lyrics. "What?" I asked in confusion. "We are your Blurryface Josh" another said before they all ran at me and I felt chills through out my body.

I jolted awake and looked around the dark bus. All that was left was darkness and the low hum of the engine. I looked down and saw Tyler sleeping. dammit. I want to talk to him. I'll get over it. Oh well.


Not many people know this but Josh and I are actually really depressed. Actually everyone knows that. Have you heard our music? But nobody knows that we both cut. We don't want anyone to know either. It's our secrets and nobody should just post about self harm. That's stupid. I hate those kinds of people. Yeah but there's a long people don't know about Josh and I. We both actually drink and swear a lot more than it appears we do and many more secrets.

I woke up and looked at the time. Shit, we're almost late for our interview. I quickly got out of my bunk and opened the curtains to Josh's bunk "get your ass up. we're almost late for an interview" I told him so he got up. We both quickly threw clothes on and grabbed our phones and wallets before leaving.

I looked at Josh and he seemed a little down. "Hey, ignore the hate. You're important to me and who cares what they think" I told him so he nodded and stared at the ground as we walked into the building our interview was being held in.

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