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I don't know what I was thinking. Walking around the Green Avenue passing by the people who have a very high type of living. Men wearing business suits and women in their expensive branded clothing, making you feel so low. Especially when you're wearing yellow long sleeves with a print of the company's name and an umbrella pants? Oh God that's what I'm wearing now.

I am employed but it's quite confidential because any time the company can make us leave. I work as an encoder in a well- knowned company, and because of that praise, they easily replace their workers with new ones. Kind of considerate though, in a very bad way. But the salary they give is bigger than any of those offers before.

Later, I will be facing the H.R and hear what's the update of my status in this company. This kind of meeting takes place after 15 days. I know, they are really strict and nobody can't blame them because all they want is the best for this company. Actually, everybody is ready for this, especially me. And take note no one can question them because of their name and because they're supreme. That's what they always say. And what's worse, they will sew you if you'll disagree.

And now I can see the well painted door that leads you to the bearer of the news, Mrs. Ottis the H.R. also known as "The Horrific Reaper of Dreams" quite immature for whoever named her that way. But she deserves that. It seems that I'm immature too.

"Good morning Ms. Timm"

That's the first greeting I heard this day and it really bothers me. Yes, because her voice is calm as if she's not going to hurt someone's hopes and dreams and most especially a living. Giving her my sweetest smile would be a good choice but she don't deserve it so I decided to show what I'm actually feeling, staunch yet frightened.

"Let's go to the point why you are here."

I nodded and I'm starting to feel extremely daunted.

"Your status is safe"

That's a great news, a little bit because I should remember that after 15 days I will be here again.

"See you in 15 days"

And that's the cue that I should leave the room. There are people lining up around the hallway waiting for their turn. It's like they are in a big wooden boat in the middle of the fjord and preparing themselves if they will be thrown away or kept inside the cabin. And that's not easy, extremely not easy.

I should get back to work now. There are tons of files waiting to be encoded and passed to the head.


Samantha greeted me that way.


I answered shortly. And directly sat down in front of the printer.

"I over heard that there are 100 newly hired staffs coming and you are very lucky Mandy"

"How about you?"

"I'll be there in the afternoon"

She answered with a disappointed tone.

"I'm really getting unemployed now. It took me a year just to get a job"

She's crying and as a friend, I should comfort her.

I know what you're thinking. What's the guarantee that she will be out? Well here's the scenario. The status meeting is divided in morning and afternoon. 50 in the morning and 100 in the afternoon. And usually all that are called in the morning are safe. And they need to vacant 100 slots and it's very unfortunate that Samantha is in the afternoon. But there's a hope, still.

She stood up and went to her desk and continued crying. She's a good friend of mine. And she will be a very big loss for me because she's the only person who talks to me, truly. The workers here are very busy they don't have much time to waste opening their mouth.

I should just focus on what I'm doing now.

At 6 p.m, I'm out of this place. Samantha is still safe thanks to whoever chose her and now we are together, in the subway waiting for the transit to come. I live in a common apartment. Wherein I'm the only one who can move around because it's the only room I can afford.

When I got home, I took off my uniform and replace it with childish pajamas that I just sewed all together out of scrap fabrics I saw and sleeveless shirts. Eat the usual dinner I get for a very cheap amount and just think as if it's the first time I tasted it. And you know what, it's not working.After that, I cleaned myself, jumped to my bed and I'm now staring at the ceiling as if there's something up there. And because of its emptiness, I can imagine tons of memories and scenes that make me feel like a kid again. Having no problem at all but it all ends when I wake up.

And that's quite common. So sad.

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