The Self-Destruct Button

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Chapter Seven: The Self-Destruct Button

"You two get any sleep?" George asked Izzie and I as he joined us in the kitchen, Ashley also there, sitting at the table as she flipped through a magazine. 

"She could oil the bedsprings as a courtesy or at least buy a padded headboard." Izzie muttered, pouring herself and I each a cup of coffee.

"Wait, what's going on?" Ashely looked away from her magazine, looking between the three of us.

"Meredith had a guy over last night." I informed her before looking at Izzie. "At least your room isn't next to hers. I had to have the radio on all night, and I had to have Joel sleep in my bed with me just try and get him to sleep through it."

"So, who's the guy?" George sighed as he began to pour himself a cup of coffee.

"You think it was just one guy doing all that work?" Izzie scoffed.

"Do you mind if I don't think about that?" George glared into his dark drink, likely wishing it were something a little stronger.

"Okay, I have to meet this guy." Ashely grinned. 

"Jealous?" Izzie teased George.

"I'm not jealous." He shook his head.

"I am." Izzie, Ashley, and I all said.

"At least we know she'll be having a long day at work." Izzie pointed out as we heard a door opening upstairs. At the noise all four of us crowded in the kitchen doorway, watching the stairs to try and get a peek at the mystery man. The stairs creaked and we closed the door slightly to hide, keeping it open just wide enough for us to see the man. I could feel my eyes widen as I saw Derek hurrying down the stairs and towards the front door, glancing back at the stairs a couple times before he left.

"Well, at least we know brain surgery isn't his only skill." Izzie commented.

"They can't be- he's her boss." George stuttered.

"We're late." Izzie pointed out. "He's all of our boss. She has been scrubbing in a lot on his surgeries."

"No, Meredith wouldn't sleep with him just to- no." George shook his head. 

"Well, if she's not ashamed of it, why is she keeping it a secret?" Izzie pressed.

"Maybe she didn't." George said. "Maybe it just happened. You know, spontaneously, last night."

"Who was that?" Ashely asked, clearly lost.

"Derek Shepherd, our boss's boss." I informed her, the corners of my lips tugging downwards into a small frown. 

"Damn," Ashely shook her head. "I need to get hurt."


"I need a major rush to make it through this day." George muttered as we all got changed into our scrubs in the locker room. "I need a kick-ass surgery."

"Ooh, you a bad boy last night, George?" Karev asked him.

"That would be Meredith." Izzie corrected him.

"You a bad boy, Meredith?" Karev turned his attention onto her, a smirk on his face.

"Can we drop the pig attitude?" I shot Karev a look, not in the mood for his cocky sexist attitude today.

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