Chapter 1

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By the way sorry if I make a grammar or spellin misyake as I'm on a tablet and I'm awful at typing on them :-(


"Aoife! Aoife! AOIFE!" I shouted trying to get my best friends attention, she still hadn't heard me, I swear I really do think she's death sometimes. I threw a rubber at her since she couldnt hear me but obviously I failed to hit her and it hit someone else, it was the teacher, Mr. Johnson, shit.

Everyone in the class burst out laughing as the rubber was flung through the air and whacked Mr. Johnson's bald head, well everyone was laughing a part from Mr. Johnston himself and me of course. Okay, so maybe I was laughing a bit, I mean it was pretty funny if I do say so myself. Mr. Johnson obviously didnt think so..

"EMMA WILLIAMS WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING THROWING OBJECTS AT ME IN MY CLASS?! Oh and you're laughing aswell, do you find this amusing?" He screamed at me.

"Well actually I didn't mean to hit you, I meant to hit Aoife. And yep, I really do think this is pretty funny." I replied with a sweet smile.

"OUT!" He roared at me while pointing at the door.

"My pleasure,  I was getting bored of this class anyway." I said while lifting my stuff and walking to the door, "Aoife, you coming?"

"I'm already ahead of you" she replied while walking up to me, we walked out of the door leaving a class of amused students and a seriously mad teacher."We'll get in a lot of trouble for this you know" Aoife said.

I smirked, "Nothing new about that."

Okay so I know its sooo short and I will definitely do more parts to this chapter tomorrow, but this was just and introduction and I promise you One Direction will come into this really soon :-) I wont update everyday but I will atleast 3 times on the weekdays if I can and on saturday and sunday! So commnet below what u think VV and vote please! love yous xx

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