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A/N: I honestly can't stahp laughing at le title XP anyway enjoy.

I honestly didn't even realise I fell asleep until I woke up. It was a weird feeling too, because I also wasn't in the Anti-Void. I sat up too look around, I was in Outertale... but how? I looked to me right and I saw... ERROR!!! I jumped a bit when seeing him, he had been laying next to me in Outertale, but he was also... alseep?
"E-error?" I said, shaking him a little. Yep he was defiantly asleep. I decided to lay back down but I little further away from Error, I didn't want to disturb him.

After a few minuets I got bored of staring at the stars and I wanted to go somewhere else, I would ask Error but he's asleep, maybe I could just... I walked over to Error and picked up his arm and tried to open a portal without waking him. It didn't work, so I tried again, and again, and again, and again. Now I just looked stupid so I put down his arm and tried to think of something else to do... I then had the grand idea to try and open a portal myself, I was frantically waving my arm back and forth when I suddenly heard laughter. I jumped a bit and turned around, it was Error!
"H-how long w-were you w-w-watching?" I asked, I was so emaressed I felt my face heating up.
"O-ohhh, the w-h-hole time-e-e." His voice was calm and hot... WAIT! Did I just think that Error's voice was hot... omg omg omg om-
"Um... Bl-l-lue?" Error snapped me out of my thoughts, and I had realised I had been standing their staring at Error.
"U-uh, what?" I replied, I'm such an idiot. Error got up and began to walk towards me, I fliched a little.
"Sooo you t-t-think my voice is... hot?" He had leaned into my ear and wispered the last part.
"W-WHAT?!" I jumped away from Error, my face was completely blue. Error cuckled a litte, then spoke.
"Y-y-you said you thoughts-s-ss out l-loud."
"I... I did?" I said, I was about to cry. I closed my eyes and tried to hid in my bandana (Ik everyone calls it a scarf but... meh).

My eyes open when I suddenly felt Error kiss me. It was my first kiss so I didn't know what to do, so I didn't do anything. He pulled away ad chuckled,
"It's ok blue... but you are sup-p-pose to kiss b-b-back ya knowww?"
"Oh... I'm sorry." He only replied with another kiss, which I then complimented by rapping my arms around his neck and kissed back.

This was so nice. I really liked Error, and he liked men. (ok wtf did I type XD "he liked men" XDXD)

(Lemme try that again)

This was so nice. I really liked Error, and he liked me.

A/N: OMG I finally update something GOD! I hate school. Just a cute fluff SIN COMING SOON I PROMISE

Error x Blueberry : A Little Hung Up :Where stories live. Discover now