The Little Blueberru

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A/N: Bluh here is another part Sin is next chapter -_-

The past few days have been really nice, Error and I have been spending a lot of time in Outertale, and if I ever fell asleep then Error would let me snuggle up to him and then later bring me back to the Anti-Void. Of course whenever I would wake up I would be alone.. Error would be off destroying some universe or something. I really wanted to wake up at least with him in the Anti-Void for once.

I had woken up again, Error wasn't there, as usual. After a few lonely minuets Error came back, he turned to look at me and smiled, something he normally did when he returned and saw me awake.
"Hey B-b-blueberru~" Blueberru was the nickname that he had given me.
"Hey... Error..." I said, I was a little sad to be honest. Error just looked at me confused. He walked over to me and sat down next to me. We sat in silence for a few moments before Error spoke up.
"Issss some-e-ething up?" He started. I stayed silent. Error leaned closed to me. Trying fix things was defiantly NOT his forte, so it was just really awkward. It was just another awkward silence before Error decided to speak again.
"O-o-ok, I knowwww somethi-i-ing is wrong." He leaned closer to me I tried to turn away but Error grabbed my cheeks and turned me towards him, "You are usually s-s-s-s-sooo talkativvvvve. You are n-n-n-n-n-n-never this silent-t-t-t-t-t." I began to tear up a little bit, I missed Error so much whenever he left while I was sleeping, I hated waking up and him not being there. But for some reason I really didn't want to tell him that...
"Tell-l-l-l me w-w-what's bugggging you. NOW." Error demanded. I flinched a little, Error was really scary when he got like this. I started to cry more, gosh I was such a mess. Error obviously took note of this because he suddenly took me into a sweet and warm embrace.
"I-I-I'm sorry Blue~" he whispered into my ear. Dang Errors voice is this hot like this. Wait did I just think that. Oh crap. I stopped crying a bit only because I had realised that I was going into heat. I got more emotional when I was due to go into heat and I guess Errors sexy voice finally set it off.
"I-I'm ok now" I was trying to pull away but Error would let me.
"Blueeee. You're-r-re gettttting really ho-o-ot. Areeee you o-" he stopped talking, when I looked at him I noticed that he was looking down. I looked down... Oh crud. I guess that Errors voice not only set off my heat but hardened me right up there eh? (Since when was Blue Canadian? I'm not Canadian)
"Well, well there Bluberru." Error's voice lost its glitch, I guess when he's focused on something he can control it more. He then pushed me on my back as he was on top of me. "Looks like I should have come back sooner~"

A/N: So this was in draft form for such a long time but now I finish
it a day early!! Yay yay!

Sin next chapter do you guys want me to add any kinks? Cause yeah I'm feeling generous.

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