The One with the Plan

549 63 26

May 20, 2015

6:00 AM

The best ideas come to you in the time where "too late" and "too early" converge.

Exhibit A: This morning at around 5:30, I was talking to myself (which I strongly recommend for working through things) when I had another epiphany. Everything fell into place. Suddenly, my future was laid out in front of me as plainly and simply as a grocery list. I know what I want to be when I grow up.

Remember when I talked about opening that LGBT business in California? It would sell binders and packers and give pamphlets on safe tucking and how to get on hormones and have clothes of all shapes and sizes without anything labeled as "plus size". Which is a ridiculous term.

Anyway, this was my dream. The problem is, I had no plan. And the little plan I did have had so many flaws. I planned on moving to Cali without a good plan. I was going to skip college, drop everything, and move with no money. Now I have a plan.

So here's my plan for the future Eli.

My Plan for the Future Eli

•Get a little job as soon as you have a car (something simple, like a waiter or cashier). This will give you money to travel.
•Graduate high school, of course.
•Take a gap year before college. In this time, work your ass off. Save, save, save. But whenever you're not at work, be at play. Go to parties. Join a community theatre. Make YouTube covers of your favorite songs.
•Go to college. It doesn't matter if it's private or community, so long as it's credible. Get a two year degree in business.
•Grab up an office job and an apartment here in Florida. Keep saving.
•Maybe ask for a little financial help if you need it, but when you're ready, get in a car or a plane and go. Go to California. Scope out the scene, try to find an apartment.
•Find an apartment. And a job. No matter how long it takes, or how expensive it is, just get on your feet.
Stabilize. Make some money, call your family, work work work. Get into a comfortable financial situation.
•Find a building, one that would work as a little shop. Snatch it up.
•Start fixing up the place, at the same time ordering a bunch of shit to sell. Order binders in bulk, order bras and stuffers, order boxers, order non-femininely packaged hygiene products...stock it UP.
•Hire some peeps. See who wants to help out.
•Set it up, set a date, and open the thing. If it succeeds, you will have achieved your dream: helping others while pursuing a passion. If it fails, try again. The business degree is basically a backup in case you need some kind of 9-to-5 to hold you over. If you need it.

And from there, we'll see what happens.


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