Chapter 1: New Friendships, New Crushes

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A/N So hey everyone this is my first please lemme know what you think! I love Teen Beach Movie so I decided to write a TBM fanfic! I focus this fanfic on Giggles and Butchy because I think they're adorable! Enjoy! ~Marissa

Lela's POV

"Come on, slowpoke!" I yelled to Butchy as I got off my bike and ran into Big Mama's. Butchy rolled his eyes at me but smiled as I pushed the door open. I looked around the local hangout and took in the smell of Big Mama's fried fish burgers.

"Lela! Hey!" Tanner called as he and the other surfers waved Butchy and I over to their table where they sat with the bikers. I smiled as I looked around at all of us, both gangs, sitting together and laughing like one giant family. You don't understand how relieved I am that the turf war is over.

"Hey soyfas, bikers, what's up?" Butchy said in his accent that made the "sur" in surfers sound like "soy". I sat down next to Tanner and Sea Cat, and Butchy sat across from me next to Rascal and Giggles.

I couldn't help but notice how when Butchy said hi to Giggles she smiled at him then looked down at her hands, then at Butchy again, a light red hue on her face. Oh my goodness! Did she just blush at my brother?! And did he blush back when she gave him a hug and said hi back?! I couldn't believe what I just saw. I mean sure, Giggles and my brother have been talking ever since our gangs made up, but I never knew they talked so much that they started to like each other!

"Um hey, Giggles? Can I talk to you for a second?" I asked.

"Oh, sure!" Giggles got up and we walked to a secluded part of the restaurant. I looked at her and smiled. She looked at me, confused and curious.

"What's up, Lela?" she asked. I motioned for her to lean forward, in case Tanner, Sea Cat, Butchy, or the others were trying to eavsdrop.

"I SO saw what happened back there!" I whispered excitedly. Giggles blushed but quickly looked away. "You blushed when you started to talk to my brother!" I squealed quietly, making Giggles keep avoiding my gaze.

"I have no idea what you're talking about....Butchy and I are just friends..." Giggles finally looked at me, and her eyes had an excited sparkle to them. "Oh come on, you don't have to pretend around me! I won't tell anyone, I promise." I told her. She smiled at me and nodded. "Ok, maybe I think he has a nice smile, and is nice under that bad boy attitude, and he's so what? I'm pretty sure he just wants to be friends." She sighed, looking a little sad.

"You know what? I'm having a sleepover tonight, and all our surfer and biker friends will be there! Why don't you come? Then I can talk to Butchy for you!" When I said that last part, I knew I had her convinced. She agreed, and we decided to sit back down so we didn't attract a lot of attention for being away for so long.

"Hey, what took you cats so long?" Sea Cat asked as we sat back down. I looked at Giggles, who smiled. "Oh, you know, just girl talk." I said, keeping my promise to Giggles about keeping her secret. Sea Cat and Tanner looked a little suspicious, but Butchy just smiled at us and went back to his drinking his soda. Giggles looked relieved no one asked any more questions.

Later that night......

Butchy's POV

Knock knock* I ran over to answer the door. It was probably Lela's friends, here for her usual Saturday sleepover. I opened the door and saw Chee Chee, Struts, and Kiki holding pillows and sleeping bags, and their hair and makeup supplies for the sleepover's activities. I opened the door all the way and welcomed them in. "Hey, girls, Lela's upstairs, go right on up." I said. CheeChee looked around, then at me. "Is Giggles here yet?" I shook my head no. The girls nodded and headed upstairs. I sat back down on the couch and started flipping through a motorcycle magazine. About 10 minutes later, another knock sounded. I figured it was Giggles and got up. Sure enough, there she was, twirling a piece of her blonde hair, her pillow and sleeping bag under one arm. I blushed a little when I saw her, said hi, and welcomed her in.

"Oh, hey, Butchy. What's up?" She smiled at me and returned my light blush. I pretended not to notice, though, so the situation wouldn't become awkward. "Oh hey, Giggles, um nothing much." I said as we smiled at each other. Finally, the silence was broken. "So, um, I'm gonna head upstairs now. It was nice seeing you." She said as I responded, "You too". She headed upstairs and I heard Lela's door open and the girls greeting Giggles, then the click of the door being shut.

Lela's POV

"Hey, Giggles, so glad you could make it!" CheeChee said then did her signature giggle. The blonde smiled as Struts patted the vanity chair, motioning for Giggles to sit down. Struts started teasing Giggles' golden locks, as Giggles looked elsewhere, thinking of something I could probably guess. "What's on your mind, chica?" CheeChee asked as she giggled again in her signature laugh. "Oh, know...girl things." Giggles laughed and I jumped across the bed to make eye contact. She realized I knew she was thinking of Butchy, and blushed. "Oh, you are SO thinking of a boy!" Struts stopped brushing Giggles' hair and smiled down at her. "Ooh, who is it? Biker, surfer, not that that's a problem anymore though, right?" Kiki chimed in. "Oh, you know, just some really rad cat. No one special." Giggles looked embarassed, like she didn't want to be the center of attention. Oh, if only CheeChee, Kiki, and Struts knew what I knew.

Alright guys, that's it! Thanks so much for reading the first chapter of my Teen Beach Movie fanfic! I read a story that featured Giggles and Butchy as a couple and I think they're adorable! Please review my first chapter and let me know what you guys think! ~Marissa

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