Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

His hands pushed hard on her throat and his upper body pressed her into the wall. The back of her head was smashed up against a framed copy of her doctoral diploma. A lot of good this certificate did her now in fighting for her life, she thought.

Rex's cheek was a whisker away from hers as he growled into her ear, "You stupid bitch! Why couldn't you leave well enough alone?"

She was struggling for air and desperately trying to push him away. Sounds of people outside the door, yelling, and the door rattling wavered at the corner of her consciousness.

Rex seemed oblivious to the sounds in the hall. He was totally focused on squeezing the life out of her.

All of a sudden, the door exploded and slammed against the far wall-reverberating wildly. Shoop burst into the room, followed by several officers with guns drawn. Joan, Kent, and Willard were clumped in a group, peeking in from the hallway.

Rex grimaced as Shoop directed the officers to pull him away from Pamela, which they did, shoving him forcefully against the far wall. Joan ran into the room and put her arms around Pamela's shoulders and guided her to the sofa. Pamela was limp, shaking, her hands touching her throat, feeling for damage. Kent and Willard watched from the doorway.

"My God, Dr. Barnes! Are you all right?" called out Kent.

"Don't make her talk," said Joan, holding up a hand to Kent, "Her throat might be injured."

"Shall I call I doctor?" asked Kent.

"No," said Pamela, in a dry, choked voice, "I'm all right. Just scared."

"Cuff him," said Shoop to the officers, and the two men turned Rex around and pulled his arms behind him, quickly snapping handcuffs on his wrists.

"Kent," directed Joan, "why don't you go get Dr. Barnes a glass of water."

"A pitcher--in my refrigerator," Pamela spoke hoarsely, pointing her finger at her coffee cup on her desk. Kent grabbed the cup, went to the small icebox, and poured her a drink of water. She swallowed the liquid hungrily. It felt wonderful in her throat and cooling.

"Thank you," she said. "Thank you, all."

Detective Shoop spoke to her, looking somewhat sheepish.

"Dr. Barnes," he said, "Sorry it took us so long to get inside your office. We were all ready to go, hiding out in Dr. Bentley's office, but the bastard managed to lock your door. We should have planned better. That was too close."

"Detective Shoop," replied Pamela, now calmer and somewhat amused by the lanky man, "I'm just grateful you and your men were here as my---my back-up, as you say. Anyway, we at least have proof that Dr. Tyson murdered Dr. Clark now."

"You have nothing!" cried Rex.

"Actually, Rex," she said, turning to where he stood handcuffed, "I do," and she drew the tiny hand-held tape-recorder from her pocket. "I have your entire confession right here."

"Dr. Barnes, I guess we're going to have to put you on the payroll," noted Shoop. All right, everyone, let's all get out of here and give Dr. Barnes a chance to catch her breath. The officers will take care of---the suspect. I had my doubts about you, Tyson right from the git go. Anyway, men, get him out of here."

The police officers quickly dragged Rex out of Pamela's office.

"My dear," whispered Joan to Pamela, "This has been a day to remember. You catch the killer and I get locked in my office with three hunky police men." She gave her a quick hug and then led Willard and Kent out of the office and down the hallway. Pamela found herself alone with Shoop. She was seated on the sofa, wondering if the man would manage to extricate her from her comfortable position, so he could lounge on her couch again. However, Shoop remained standing.

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