Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

When Pamela arrived at work the next morning, it was just before nine o'clock. As she came through the Blake Hall parking lot entrance, she could see that the police had draped yellow "crime scene" tape over the lab door, barring any entrance. As far as she could tell, all faculty office doors were closed. As she walked towards the main office, she passed Charlotte's office. That too, had yellow tape covering it. She wondered why, as no crime had occurred there. She assumed that the police had or would be examining Charlotte's computer and personal items in her office and wanted to keep people out of there.

As she walked down the hallway, she didn't see any of her colleagues. Either none of them had arrived yet or they'd already heard about Charlotte's death and were lying low. When she entered the main office, she spied Jane Marie Mira, the departmental secretary, typing at her keyboard, but obviously keeping an eye on Mitchell Marks' office door which was closed. Jane Marie had been with the department for as long as Pamela had been there. She was a highly competent and fiercely loyal watch dog of their Chair, and actually, the entire faculty. Pamela quietly made herself known to Jane Marie and gestured to her.

"He's with the police," Jane Marie whispered, "Oh, Dr. Barnes, you poor thing! Finding Dr. Clark like that. You must have been horrified!" She came out from behind her desk festooned with Halloween decorations and a Jack-o-lantern full of candies and hugged Pamela. The softness of her cashmere sweater felt good against Pamela's face.

"It was unpleasant," Pamela said to her friend and co-worker, "It makes me cringe just thinking about it. When did Mitchell find out?"

"He said the police called him at home last night," Jane Marie replied, "They called the Dean too. All upper administration knows. It'll be all over the news today. Didn't you hear them talking about it on the local radio?"

"No," responded Pamela, "I try to keep things quiet when I'm driving. I, uh, have trouble concentrating on the road, sometimes. Do you know who's in there with Mitchell?"

"Some tall guy. Snoop? Or Scoop?" Jane Marie said.

"Shoop," corrected Pamela.

"That's it," Jane Marie said. "He's a weird bird."

"Tell me," agreed Pamela, "He was questioning me in my office--afterwards--last night until at least eleven."

"Oh, God," said Jane Marie, "Why didn't you call in sick this morning?"

"That's what Rocky said to do," Pamela responded, "But I figured I'd better meet my classes. They're going to be upset--even more so when it gets out that I found the body."

"Listen, Dr. Barnes," continued Jane Marie, "If you change your mind, just let me know. I'll see that your classes are cancelled. You might feel a lot better if you just went home. I mean, the police are probably going to want to talk to you again, aren't they?"

"Yes," Pamela answered, sighing. "Shoop made that clear. That's actually another reason I felt I needed to be here. If he asks for me, tell him I'm in class until noon and then I'll be in my office."

"Okay," said Jane Marie, shaking her head of pretty brown curls, "but I really think you should get out of here." She shook her finger at Pamela.

"I appreciate your concern," said Pamela, "but I'm going to tough it out."

Jane Marie bit her lower lip and looked down. Pamela sensed a problem.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"Dr. Barnes, don't tell anyone, but there was an envelope in Dr. Marks' mailbox this morning when I arrived that wasn't there when I left last night."

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