Chapter 28: A Little Peace

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Jessie and James stumbling into the Team Rocket headquarters.

"We made it back safely", James said to Jessie as he looked around. They were in their old bedroom, which was almost entirely empty with the exception of some furniture. "How do you feel?" he asked Jessie.

"I should be asking you that question", she responded. "James, this is all my fault".

"No. you can't blame yourself", he responded. "Let's do what we always do, and blame someone else".

Jessie smiled, but it quickly faded. "I remember everything that happened. I'm sorry I hurt you", he told him.

"Let me see you", she said, lifting up the side of his shirt.

A giant scar went across his torso, starting from one end of his left rib cage to the other.

"I could have killed you", she whispered.

"But you didn't" said James. "We are still standing".

Without warning, James leaned in and kissed her passionately.

"So I guess this means you forgive me?" she asked a few minutes later.

"Yes", he responded.

Jessie couldn't think of a time in her life when she had ever been more grateful. She leaned in kissed him again, but she pulled away quickly and winced in pain.

"What's wrong?" he asked nervously.

"I felt something", she explained. "And it hurt".

"Jessie. I never got to tell you. I'm sure you already figured this out" he started to say.

"...are having a baby", she finished. "I know.

"You know?" he asked.

"I don't need to see the test result. I am certain now. It became blatantly obvious to me over the past few days".

"I'm so happy", he whispered as he kissed her lips.

"So am I", she whispered back. "But there is something we need to do".

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"I think there might be something wrong", she responded. "I have to make a few phone calls".

"Okay..", he said awkwardly. He searched her eyes for answers.

"Please don't worry. It's just hard to explain. I promise I will tell you later", she said when she noticed his anxious expression. "Just try and trust me?"

"I will", he said. "You can count on me".


After getting everything they needed from the Morgan Mansion, Giovanni led everyone who helped in the mission to headquarters.

"What are you going to do with all the people you captured?" asked Ash as he and the others walked to the meeting room.

"I will put them in the Team Rocket prison", he said shortly.

"Wow. I never realized that Team Rocket had its own prison", said Gary.

'That's pretty neat", said Max.

"What about after that?" asked Serena. "Are you just going to leave them in there forever? Shouldn't there be a trial or something?"

"You are asking too many questions", said Viper, one of the less popular Team rocket agents.

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