Chapter 4

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                                                                            Mckenzie's POV

"Hey Kenz.'' Tom said. "Hi." I said and raced up the stairs.I walked into my bedroom and started pacing around. What is he going to think of this? Is he going to be mad? How should I tell him? Tons of thoughts were racing my head when I heard a knock at the door. "Come in,'' I answered. I heard the knob twisting and saw Tom. "Why were you scared when you saw me?'' He asked. "Um, no reason just that you scared me...'' I said, hoping he would believe me. "Ok, I know that's not the truth but I'm not gonna push it so... See you later.'' He walked away and I sighed.

                                                                    24 hours later or something like that

I was getting ready as many thoughts raced in my head. Niall and I both agreed to meet at the place we were gonna meet, which was Nando's. I was looking at myself through the mirror and I was ready to face my brother. 

"Where are you going?'' I sighed as I heard my brother talk. "Um.. I am going on a date!'' I say as my brothers face turns suprised. "With who?'' he asks. Dang it... "I am going with this boy from my school, his name is Neil Thoran!'' I said. "That sounds a lot like Niall Horan sis..'' He said , sounding suspecting something. "Well, he looks like him too!'' I replied. "Ok... Just as long he isn't Niall Horan I'm ok.'' He replied. I gave him a thumbs up and left. That was close...

I walked in Nando's and searched for Niall. "Mckenzie!'' I heard. I turned and there he was. We soon were right across from each other at the table. "So..." He started. "So...'' I mocked him. I remembered my brother and I's conversation. "Oh and if my brother asks you, your name is Neil Thoran." he looked at me weirdly but I just shook it off. 

Niall annd I laughed. We were walking in the park after finishing dinner at Nando's, telling old, embarassing stories about our childhood. "I can't believe someone so sweet like you could do such a devilish thing to your brother.'' Niall said. "Well, you never know..'' I said and laughed. "I guess so!'' He replied. 

"Well I had a really fun time tonight, Mckenzie," Niall said when we were near my house. "So did I.'' I agreed. "I would like to do this again sometime,''  "So would I'' I answered back. We neared the drive way of my house. "Well, thanks again for taking me out on a date and I'll text you later.''  I spoke up. "Ok, good night Mckenzie." "Good night Niall." I replied. 

I walked inside of my house and once again, I saw Tom and his bandmates. "How was your date sis?'' Tom spoke when he heard me enter. We heard a round of whistling. I stared at the boys then answered. "It was fun.'' I answered, knowing what would happen if I said Niall was my date. "Ok,'' he replied back to me then went back to talking to his friends.  I went up to my room and heard my phone buzz. 

Once again, I had a really fun time and I hope we can do it again sometime. :)

                                                                                                     xx Niallxx

I smiled, then replied.

Ok, talk to you later gotta get my beauty sleep ;)

                                          xx Mckenzie xx

A few minutes later I got a reply.

Oh yes, the wonderful queen must have her beloved sleep.

I chuckled.

Hush hush, the majesty is sleeping.

I soon got ready to go to sleep. This day couldn't get any better.

I know I usually don't do authors notes on this story but since I a haven't been updating it I thought I would. I haven't updated because I've been busy with school and stuff. But since I'm on break you might see updates more often! When I said pictures of Rylee and Kaitlin will be on the side, I thought it would let  me upload but it didn't :( So to make up for it I'll show you the outfit I was picturing for their date!!!

                                                                                                       - Ry  

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2013 ⏰

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