Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

February 17, 1997

Arriving home after another dreary day at work, the man grabbed a beer and started pacing his ratty apartment, too excited to sit.

Two weeks wait for the next "project" was such a long time. Now that he had a taste, it was a very long time. He walked back to the refrigerator to find something to eat, then decided he wasn't hungry and continued his pacing.

Reaching into his pocket, he touched it for the thousandth time that day.

He was again calmed by the feel of his prize.

Taking it out, he gazed at it as he sat down on the couch, taking in every detail. He noticed it was of an unusual design, a cross with a circle around the middle, probably some kind of religious symbol or something.

He again thought of how his mentor would feel about his award, quickly depositing it back into his pocket, as if she were watching.

He would be good; he already couldn't believe his luck at finding Jasmine and wouldn't screw it up. She had helped him get organized, given him the chance to actually do what he had always dreamed of. They were a team, but he would be the famous one of course, "The Ghost."

His mentor was smart, even finding him was genius, tracking him down just from rumors and snippets of conversations overheard by others, conversations spoken by him mostly when he was drunk of course. He always talked too much when he drank, but he would talk of famous murders and murderers, leaving little doubt as to his admiration of the men he idolized.

Although he had never seen her, she had probably scouted him in person at some point, listening in with awe as his stories unfolded he suspected. He had decided that she was probably some plain looking housewife in real life.

You really gotta watch out for those quiet, mousey ones.

He thought back to the day of first contact. Picking up the seldom used phone that night, he mentally prepared himself for the usual rapid-fire banter of a telemarketer. Although he mostly enjoyed giving grief to the idiots that called him several times a week, he actually thought there ought to be a law against this type of intrusion.

The raspy voice on the other end of the line was a surprise as the person asked him to confirm his identity. Hesitating only momentarily, the man thought 'what the hell' as he told the caller his full name.

Silence followed, long enough for the man to consider hanging up on the raspy-voiced caller, but intrigued enough to hang on and wait.

"I hear you might have a secret desire," the mysterious voice finally continued, "My sources tell me you are very intrigued with, shall we say, situations with a certain...definitive ending."

The man was instantly on guard, his eye jerking in its insane dance of nerves. He would have to watch what he said; this could be some sort of trap. Could the police arrest you for what you thought...what you said?

"Who is this?" the man demanded into the receiver; thinking this might be one of the guys from the bar. Although he wouldn't consider himself friends with the people he drank with, he wouldn't put it past one of them to try something like this in an inebriated state.

A few more seconds passed before the voice returned, "Just consider me someone who might be able to facilitate your dreams. I have a couple of projects in mind, they would need someone with your... let's say interest to complete. Would that be of any significance to you?"

The man's heart skipped a beat. Could this strange voice be asking what he thought was being asked?

"Can you be a little more specific," The man asked nervously, "Just so I know we are talking about the same thing?"

A short silence followed again before the voice continued. "I have a couple of people in mind that need to be eliminated, permanently, does that scenario interest you?"

"Yes!" the man blurted out quickly, "I mean sure it sounds intriguing, what would I need to do, and who is this anyway?"

"As to whom I am, my name is...Jasmine, but for our purposes, why don't you just call me Mentor, or teacher if you prefer. I have much to teach you, opportunities will be presented that you may never get otherwise, if you are willing to learn."

"You will receive instructions," she continued without waiting for an answer. "I will let you know where and when. You must agree to follow them to the letter, along with a few other requirements as well. You must do everything I ask or the deal is off. But, if you agree to all of the conditions, I will put you in a position to carry out your wildest dreams; you will be talked about for years to come. Interested?"

He was in heaven; he had to restrain his emotions so as not to blurt out his answer as he readily agreed to all of the conditions. One of the big ones it turned out was to stay out of bars until the projects were over; after all, that is how she found him in the first place.

"Never talk if you can do," she had finished with finality before hanging up the phone.

Well he could definitely do, he had proven that...and it was only the beginning.

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