Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

February 18, 1997

Answering the phone, the man heard the familiar raspy whisper hiss, "You idiot, you left a calling card. Have you learned nothing?"

Immediately on the defensive, the man raised a shaky hand to calm his eye as he went into his rehearsed reply.

"I needed to give them a name to focus on, and since it has never been used in another crime, I thought it might throw them off."

Silence followed for a few minutes before his mentor continued, "Can it be traced?"

"No, no," the man spat out quickly. "I printed it on my own computer, and I never touched it without having gloves on; I was very careful."

After a few more moments of silence, the mentor sighed.

"Alright! The damage is done anyway. From now on leave a card at every scene, if you can do it without jeopardizing your escape. It may help throw them off as you said."

"Are there any other surprises that I need to know about?" she continued quickly.

The man waited but a moment before spitting out, "I did take a necklace from the woman..."

An ominous silence followed before the mentor literally screamed into the phone, the raspy whisper forgotten in the ensuing tirade. "Get rid of it, immediately!" Jasmine started. "That can be directly traced if they ever bring you in for questioning. Leave now and go dump it in the river, this could ruin everything!"

The man quickly agreed to this as Jasmine hung up. Nervous perspiration had appeared on his hands and he quickly wiped them on his pants. He got his keys and left the house, driving towards the boat ramp in an effort to appease his mentor, just in case he was being watched.

He had already decided against getting rid of the prize, he had grown too attached to the odd shaped cross. He would try to restrain himself from doing it again, but this was his first, he would keep it forever to remind him of his start.

It was indeed a night of surprises. The mentor finding out about the card he knew would happen eventually, but the level of anger the mentor had displayed about the necklace was more than surprising. He could understand it however; it was a risk that could end up defeating them in the end.

He had never heard anyone that angry before. He wondered aloud what made Jasmine click, what was she trying to prove with the tasks he had agreed to?

Shrugging his shoulders, he continued on with his feigned trip to the boat ramp.

"That's one woman I wouldn't want mad at me," he said with admiration.


Her hands were clenched in fists as she hung up the phone, her ranting having left her angry and frustrated. Correction, the IDIOT'S ineptitude had made her angry and frustrated.

She was lost in thought, her body trembling in resentment toward the man. How easily he could ruin everything with his unprofessional antics.

From the other room she heard, "Darlin?...You ok in there sugar?"

The voice instantly calmed her as she finished her preparations for the man. Not that they were extremely involved, as Tex insisted on only two things: Cowboy Boots, and a Stetson.

Traveling here only every three months or so, Tex always had a lot of pent up desires that she was more than willing and able to satisfy. He was also more than willing and able to pay for her ministrations.

Setting the hat gently on her head, she took a moment to admire her reflection in the full-length mirror. Her perfectly coifed, shoulder-length blonde hair complimented the jet-black Stetson like it was made for her...which as a matter of fact it was.

The perky breasts and flat stomach that helped define her sensuous body had always been as much of a turn-on to her as it was to her "friends". She moved a hand to her breast, and then slowly caressed her belly as the hand made its way slowly to its target.

The sensation that ensued had her closing her eyes as a tremble ran its way up to her throat, escaping as a moan as she found the spot.

Clearing her head finally, she finished the final touches to her light makeup, and then turned toward the adjoining room for a long night of ecstasy that would last until the sun came up.

Stopping suddenly, she turned back as she remembered the coup de gras that she had purchased just for the occasion. Finding it in a drawer, she lifted the belt and cinched it up, letting it fall to rest on her small, sexy hips as she reached in for the final piece; a dildo in the shape of a gun.

Inserting it in the holster, she turned once more, calling out to the man in the next room. "I have something special for you tonight, Tex."

As she walked through the doorway, the apartment exploded in noise as the man on the bed boomed out, "Yeeee Hawww."

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