Practice makes Love??

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The picture above is how I imagine Rei except younger. Oh and with blue eyes. Same markings, but longer! But that's how she'll look when she's older except she'll wear a female version of Jiraiya's outfit or always wear the color scheme in her ninja outfits.

Rei was on her way towards the River to practice her ninjutsu when a hand grabbed on to her ankle.
"Not going to say hi, troublesome woman?" said the lazy voice.
She looked down, scratching her head. How the heck didn't she notice Shikamaru down there. She was suppose to be a ninja for pete's sake.

She smiled down sheepishly at Shikamaru.
"Sorry Shikamaru, I didn't notice you there. Actually what are you doing down there?" She asked curiously. It's not everyday you see a ninja laying in the grass for no reason. Unless they were dead.

"I like to lay right here when I can, just relaxing. It's the only thing that's not a pain to do." He replied staring back up at the sky. "Where are you off to?"

"I was going to train a little bit, I want to work on this water style jutsu I'm trying to perfect." she said.
"Want to help?" She crossed her fingers behind her back, hoping he'd say yes.

Shikamaru closed his eyes. "I would but I have to meet up with Choji and Ino for lunch. You can swing by the bbq place if you want." He suggested as he started to get up.

Rei sighed, and nodded her head. There goes her chance to spend time with him by herself. "I'll see." She looked up at the sky and pointed out a cloud.
"Hey look Shikamaru! That cloud is shaped like you!" she exclaimed.

Shikamaru looked up at the sky and sweat dropped. He turned to walk away, shaking his head. "Troublesome woman."

Rei laughed, it was a pineapple shaped cloud. She started skipping towards the river, not knowing that Shikamaru was watching her. He shook his head again. Just so troublesome.

Rei got to the river. She sat down, relaxing her body before starting. She was going to learn a new jutsu every week, she was going to become just like the legendary sanin, Jiraiya. She admired his carefree spirit, and the way he analyze his opponents. He was a genius to her. She wanted to meet him one day.

She got up, and walked on to the river. She closed her eyes and focused her chakra. She weaved a hand sign, then opened her eyes. "Water style needle tornado jutsu!" She focused her chakra into the water, making the water raise up as the water divided turning into water needles, Rei concentrated hard making her chakra fuse into the water as the water needles started to spin into a circle, turning into a tornado, now she just had to focus harder so she can aim the needles at the opponent, who would be in the middle. She pushed out more chakra, come on Rei you can do this. She watched as some of the water needles were thrown into the middle but not a lot. Rei released the jutsu, breathing hard. She almost had it.

"Kakashi-sensei. What am I doing wrong?" she asked her sensei, who had showed up not too long ago. He was leaning against a tree, reading icha icha paradise.

Kakashi-sensei lowered his book and looked over at the young girl.
"You're too tense. Relax." He replied. "This is also a jutsu that requires a lot of chakra since you're manipulating the water 3 different ways at one time. Which is impressive." He complimented her.

Rei leaned her head back, looking at the sky. So she needs to relax, she can do that.
"Thanks Kakashi-sensei, so what are you reading over there?" she asked. He was always reading it, if it's a good read then she'll probably read it too after he was finish with it.

Kakasha-sensei gave a closed eye smile, and hid his book in his pouch. "Don't worry your little head about it, just practice that jutsu."

Rei was curious now. She got up, and started walking over to her Sensei. "Come on Sensei, let me see the book. I like to read too, ya know!" She said.

Kakashi backed away, then pointed behind her. "Is that Jiraiya? The legendary sanin???" He asked with a surprise look on his face.

Rei turned around excitedly, "where is he?? Where??!" She twisted her head all kind of ways, searching for the sanin. She didn't even notice that Kakashi had disappeared.

She turned back around. That darn Kakashi Sensei. She'll figure out what he was reading if it was the last thing she did. She bet it was a kid book and he was too embarrassed to be caught with it, Rei laughed imagining Kakashi's intense face as he "read" a kid's picture book.

"If I didn't know you I would think you were crazy but then again I do know you, and I still think you're crazy." Said Naruto walking up to Rei.
Rei grinned, and waved off his insult. "Now we just need to wait on Hinata so I can show you guys my new jutsu." She said.

Naruto sat down in the grass, Rei sat next to him.
"I'm sure it'll be awesome, you've been practicing every day now. It better be." He said to her.
Rei punched him in the shoulder lightly. "You know it will be, plus kakashi sensei gave me advice. I'm sure I will perfect it this time."

"Want to get some Ramen afterwards?" He asked.

"Do you even need to ask Uzumaki?? You know me better than that you dobe." She said mimicking the way Sasuke calls Naruto dobe.

"You wanna fight me Sasuke?" Naruto jumped up.
Rei got up too, putting her hand up in a dismissive manner. "My skills are beyond yours. Get over yourself." She said dramatically.

Rei and Naruto both cracked up laughing.
"W-w-what's so funny?" hinata said walking up.
"Nothing, nothing." Rei said as she finish laughing.
Naruto popped up in Hinata's face. "Hey Hinata! Wow did you do something different with your hair, it looks nice!" he said touching her hair.

Rei palmed her face because she knew what was about to happen.
Hinata fainted.
"Ahhhhh mann why does she always do that when I say something to her?" Naruto said fanning Hinata's face.
"Naruto, you're so dense sometimes." Rei said shaking her head.

Hinata got up five minutes later, Rei made sure Naruto kept his distance. She didn't want anymore fainting accident.

"Okay you two! Watch my most amazing super cool new jutsu!" She said as she ran on the water.

She relaxed as she focused her chakra, closing her eyes. Relax, relax. She thought of the pineapple shaped cloud she saw earlier, and how beautiful the sky was. Okay, go.

She weaved the handsign. "Water style water needle tornado jutsu!" She pushed her chakra into the water. She watched in amazement as the water turned into water needles, and started spinning into a furious tornado. She then focused her chakra, making water needles fly out into the middle of the tornado. Holy cow! She did it.

Rei released the jutsu. She jumped pumping her fist, "I did it!" She yelled.
She looked back to see Naruto and Hinata, Naruto had his mouth open.

"That was amazing Rei. I didn't know you were water nature, I thought you were only wind and fire nature." He said in shock.
"I have wind, fire, and water nature." She replied.

She didn't add she could also manipulate wood as well. She knew that wasn't common. She didn't want people to look at her like she was a new species.
"You're amazing Rei-san. I always admired your talents." said Hinata.

Rei walked over to where her two best friends were standing. She was surprisingly not tired, nor did she feel like she wasted any chakra. It must be the adrenaline.
"You have the Byakugan and can internally destroy people. Now that's something to admire." She told Hinata as they started walking towards the village.

Naruto agreed, "heck yeah, I'll love to use the byakguan if I could."
Hinata blushed, "thanks Rei and Naruto-kun."
Rei smiled at her timid friend. She wasn't stuttering anymore which meant she was getting comfortable in Naruto's presence.
"Maybe if I just do this..."
Rei and hinata turned to look at Naruto. Rei sweat dropped as she watched Naruto. He put his hands on the side of his eyes, pulling back and shouted, "byakguan!"  (Stolen from Rock Lee and his ninja pals!)

Hinata then let out a laugh, a genuine laugh. It was soft but it was real. Naruto let go of his eyes, as he stared at Hinata as if he was seeing her for the first time. Rei couldn't believe what she was seeing. Naruto never even looked at Sakura like that. Rei smiled, she was happy that Naruto was slowly opening his eyes to Hinata.

"Come on you guys, let's go get some Ramen!" She said snapping Naruto out his trance.
"Ramen!!" Naruto took Rei and Hinata hands, and took off running. Rei laughed as she ran with her friends. Hinata was blushing as she was pulled by Naruto.

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