Rei & Boruto

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(....... is this an update???? Yes, yes it is!!)

"Borutooooo where are you?" Rei called out, looking under his bed. They were playing hide and go seek, and he was doing a pretty good job at hiding.

She walked out into the hall, peeking inside Himawari's room to make sure she was still asleep. She glanced around to see if any signs of the 4 year old was there.

She sighed, and closed the door. "Boruto, you have never been this good at hiding." She mumbled, as she walked down the steps.

She froze, and her mouth dropped open when she saw that the front door was wide open. She told that troublemaker outside was off limits. This wasn't a game of hide, and seek anymore. This was a game of discipline.

She had a seal on that four year old, but she wasn't going to cheat until now. She flashed to to where he was, but quickly hiding so he couldn't see her. He was at the park! On the swings. She was searching for him for 20 minutes, and this is where he was. She'll show him.

She teleported back to the house, knowing he would come back to the house soon.

She ripped up her clothing, then went into Naruto and Hinata's bedroom, she used some of Hinata's makeup to make it look she was bruised around her eye. She got some of Jirauto's red paint from his room, and splashed it around her chest and neck.

She went into to Himawari's room, picked her up gently so she wouldn't wake up. She hid Himawari in the living room, on the side of the couch.

She could feel Boruto's chakra getting closer to the house. She also felt Jirauto coming home. He better not ruin her plan.

She quickly splatted red paint, here, and there up the stairs. She left Himawari's door ajar for suspense as she laid on her floor. She kicked her leg out like how she seen in the movies.

She heard the door opened, then the sound of shoes being taken off. She couldn't wait for Boruto's reaction.

She heard whistling, wait... Boruto didn't know how to whistle? The whistle came to a stop as she heard, "What in the.... is that blood?!"

What the hell? Was that Naruto? No wonder she didn't feel any chakra.

The door opened again, All she heard was. "Boruto?!"

"Dad?!" Boruto's small voice, echoed.

"Stay right there Boruto!" Naruto shouted, his eyes on the blood. Where was Rei? Was Himawari okay?! He rushed up the stairs, his heart slowed down as he noticed the blood was getting closer to Himawari's room. He didn't feel anyone in the house. He felt a tiny amount of chakra somewhere, but it wasn't threatening.

He walked to the slightly opened door, pausing when he saw a foot on the ground. "...Rei?" He called out, as he pushed the door open.

He let out a high pitched scream at the sight of him, little footsteps flew up the steps as Naruto ran to the body of Rei. It took everything for Rei to stay in character when she heard Naruto's scream. He was sucha idiot.

"Rei?!!!! Oh no! Her leg, her leg!!" Naruto cried. His eyes glanced at Himawari's bed. "Where's Himawari?!" He cried, louder. "My baby is gone!!"

"Daddy?" Boruto peeked into the room. "Auntie Wei, Auntie wei!!" He shouted when he saw his aunt laying on the ground. He instantly burst into tears. "Himawawi!!"

Naruto moves to the side as he hid his grin from Boruto.

Rei started coughing, as she blinked her eyes open. " Is, is that you?" She said, weakly.

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