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Light shined through the kitchen window, as I glanced up. Crusted blood sealed my left eye from the world. Every part of my body was sore. The burn marks on my back still throbbed from last night. I looked down at the metal chains gnawing at my wrists. I tired to stand up by grabbing onto the counter but it was no use. The pain in my back stopped me, same with the pain in my right ankle.

"Damn, he must've twisted it." I mumble under my breath. "I'm sorry Yu-chan, I won't get to see you on Monday." My head drooped down so my hair would cover my eyes.
"Oh your awake I see, my dear little Mikaela."
I knew those words they were the same words he spoke to me when I was child. I felt my body start trembling at his presence. He lightly grabbed by face and cupped his hands around my cheeks.

"Oh Miiiikkkaa" He drew out my name like it was gum stuck to a chair, disgusting and gross. He backed away for a second to pull out a small object from the drawer. I couldn't see very well but I knew what it was when he came up to me.

"noooo please don't hurt me." I whimpered out, having no control over my actions. I felt my arm being pulled to show my pale white skin. Before I knew it I felt a needle go into my arm as he pushed the liquid inside me. It didn't take long from me to feel the affects of whatever this mad man just put inside of me.

"WHat did you do to me?" I screamed but it faded away slowly. "I only paralyzed you and added a little bit of poison to the mix for fun" he smirked. I slumped down unable to feel my body anymore.

"That means you won't feel what I'm about to do to you" he whispered in my ear. His hands went down to my hips as he slowly started removing my clothes.

"" His rough lips picked around my neck and chest. Biting at the scabs that were already there. I felt his hand skim down to my thighs and in between my legs. He then start to undo his belt on his pants and slowly take them off.

"NOO!" I screamed and tried to shoved him away. Except he overpowered me and pinned me down slowly entering into me. He thrust-ed so hard pain after pain ripped through my body, slowly tarring it apart each time.

"AHHHHHH" I kept screaming hoping someone would hear me. I could feel the blood starting to pour out of me each time he entered me. White and black dots filled my vision until I could hear, feel and see no more.

"Well it looks like the poison is finally taking over" He said with a sneer.

~Time Skip

I woke up with my head pounding and shooting back pain. I just looked over to the window in the corner. Dark skies with small starts shining was all that was out there.

"Yu-chan..." I whispered his name trying to remember the good times. "I...I" The poison held me firmly in it's grasp not letting go. I want to see him so badly, yet I don't want him getting hurt.

"I will endure this pain to see you again. I know I will see you again soon, Yu-chan."

~Time Skip

It has been about a week since I've been chained up. Nothing has changed, father still will not feed me. I only get tiny sips of water here and then. Mother has called once telling us she is staying where she is and not coming home for a few months. Everyday I go through the same torture. Beatings, no food, burning, then finally rape. I hate him so much. He tells me everyday that he loves me, but I know that is just an act. This, this is not hell. No this is purgatory. Father came in to tell me he letting me leave tomorrow. The school is getting on his ass for me not being there. Than means I get to see you tomorrow Yu-chan.

"Maybe I can finally leave this dungeon for good."

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