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"WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH THESE LOSERS!?" Oikawa screamed and grabbed my hand.

"TOORU STAPH!!" I whine.

Karasuno gave us a weird look. "You know Grand King?" Him at a asked.

"Of course not!" I yelled yanking my hand back from Oikawa. "He's a totally stranger!" I yell running.

Karasuno is a big family. It's cute putting them all together. They make me feel like I'm apart of them. I'm screaming.

"You don't want to be at this school!" Oikawa said glaring at all the members. "I bet they don't even know what 9+10 is."

"CROW BABIES!" Suga screamed. Hinayana and Kageyama blushed. Karasuno laughed and teased each other.



"I can't believe you talked to Tobio!" Oikawa yelled in the car.

"What do you hate about them!? They're one big family!" I said fangirling in my seat. "Dadchi and Sugamama-senpai--"


I ignore him. How can he complain when he acts like a first year!?

Oh well. Weird question time since I'm free.
"Do you think it's possible to finger dicks...?"

Dot. Dot. Dot.
"WHAT TYPE OF QUESTION IS THAT!?" Oikawa yelled. "YOU'RE A BABY DON'T ASK." He added pulling into him.

"Tooru, I'm just wondering." I said. Oikawa petted my hair. "Maybe because you're with Iwa-chan too much."

"Does foot fingering feel good?" I asked.

Oikawa slapped my hand. "Bad (Y/n)! Go back to being innocent!"

"Who said I was ever innocent?" I said walking towards the car. How is Karasuno already my family when I just met them today!?


"So, which school do you like the best?" Iwaizumi asked eating his lunch on the roof with me.

I shrug. "Karasuno's volleyball team is one bug family. Dadchi-senpai told me girls volleyball is the same. But for Nekoma..." My voice trailed off. What's so great about Nekoma?
"They have cute guys there."

Iwaizumi rose an eyebrow. "Define 'cute' "

Before I could answer, Oikawa ran over. "Do you play Volleyball (Y/n)-chan?"


"Cause' you look good on your knees!" Oikawa yelled while doing a weird dance.

Iwaizumi glared at him. Oikawa looked at Iwaizumi and did another dance. "Do you know why I'm 1# and you're 4#?"

"I don't want to know--"

"Because I'm the ONE FOR you~!" Oikawa said dancing.

"Oikawa." I called out. He stopped his dace and turned his head to face me.

"Are you a mermaid?"


"Because we're MERMAID for each other." I said playing with my eyebrows. Iwaizumi laughed and Oikawa stood there. "I'm still better because I did two!"

"Iwaizumi." I called out. Iwaizumi stopped laughing.

"You're just like my homework. I slam you on my desk and do you all night."  I said winking at Iwaizumi.

Iwaizumi stuck his tongue out at me. "Go fuck yourself." He said walking away. 

"Do it for me~" I say back. Oikawa fell down laughing. Iwaizumi flicked me in the forehead. "Stop turning into Oikawa." 

Now that I look at it, Iwaizumi has nice arms. They're a perfect shape, I could just eat them. Wait... What if Oikawa is bottom but always tries to be top-- STOP I'M INNOCENT. Okay, everything is okay. No one will know what I'm thinking. 

"Unless you say this out loud." OIkawa and Iwaizumi say at the same time. I stare them both shocked. Abort Abort, I'm not going to make it. 

"(Y/n)-chan has some explaining to do." OIkawa said grabbing me by the arm. 

"B-But the bell will ring soon!!" I say trying to pull away from Oikawa. 

"I don't care." He said pinning me to the wall. WHY IS THIS HAPPENING!?

(At this point of time, (Y/n) knew...)

Hovering me, Oikawa had an evil grin with Iwaizumi, who was watching this as entertain it. 

"(Y/n)-san! Hey, I knew you were--"  The voice that was calling me. The guy who was pinning me to the wall. And me, the girl who is digging their own grave at the moment. 

Tachibana Reina, the girl who entered the room looking for me. Oikawa Tooru, the man she fell in love with. Me, who is in a situation that is hard to get out of. 

All the items in Tachibana's arms fell to the ground. The cake she had brought of me to give to Oikawa, she stood there frozen. "Ew it's you." Iwaizumi said breaking the ice. 

Oikawa turned his head towards the girl. "DO you need something--"

I cut him off there. "It's not what it looks like. I don't like Oikawa, I told you this." I say quickly. Tachibana wiped her tears. "Even if you didn't like him, it doesn't mean he likes you." Oikawa stood there in confusion. 

Out of every single person in the world, Tachibana had to walk in. "It's a misunderstanding. Don't think of it in anyway." I say.

"What's a misunderstanding is that you think Oikawa has no feelings for you." With those words she left. 

Oikawa backed away for a bit. 

"Am I that obvious?" 

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