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"Are we there yet?"

"We just need to walk a little more bro."

"You'll wake her up shush."

I open my eyes slowly. Are we moving?

"Bro you woke her up." Bokuto said. His face was Inches away from mine. "Akaashi can I hold her?"

"No." I heard Akaashi say. I looked up and saw the back of Akaashi's head. Akaashi's giving me a piggy back ride. Cool.

Kuroo was walking with Katsuki in his hands. "Check you phone." He said handing it to me while holding Katsuki.

[Picture Message from BROkuto]

I look at the picture of Akaashi carrying me. Blessed once again. I quickly whisper 'Thank you' to Bokuto.

"I'll walk Akaashi." I said quietly. Akaashi kept walking. I said it again louder.

Does he want to carry me when all I do is eat?
Okay then.

Bokuto laughed. "Didn't you hear her Akaashi? Baby wants to go down."
Akaashi sighed and put me down. "I heard."

"Okay (Y/n)! You're repaying with a free kiss!" Bokuto suddenly said. Akaashi jumped a bit. "What?"

"I never said--" Bokuto crashed his lips into mine for about a second.  "Okay there." He said with a childish smile on his face.

"Her face is so red." Kuroo said placing the back of his hand on my cheek.
Akaashi stood this disgusted and confused. "What the hell."

I hit Bokuto. "Why would you do that!?" My whole face burns. "You--" My stomach growls loudly.

"Let's go eat." Kuroo said walking.

"Wait why are we walking?" I finally ask. "What happen to the car?"

"It's out of gas." Akaashi said pulling me away from Bokuto.

Do we really have to walk. I'm already tired and I hate walking.
Akaashi sighed. "Do you want to be carried again?"

"I'll carry her!" Bokuto said showing off his muscle. Bokuto picked me up and started walking again.

"By the way (Y/n)-San." Akaashi started. "Do you want to copy my note because I get them done before leaving."

Ew School.
Ew Homework.
(Author-sama is watching you all)
Ew people.

"Yeah." I said sadly. "Can go over to your place and copy it there?"

"Why's that?" Kuroo asked with a smirk on his face. "Are planning--"

"Please stop." Akaashi said disgusted. "We'll go to your house first."


"Miss (Y/n)?" A woman said opening the door. "Are you back already? I thought you'd be home for longer." She let us all walk in.

"I've only been gone for 5 days?" I said counting. "Isn't that long?"

"Of course not." She said laughing. "The message you sent said you were at a friend's house right?" I nodded. "Then I thought you were living there." She said.

"What." Everyone around me said. "Aren't you suppose to care for her?" Akaashi said.

"She did live by herself so." The woman said walking away. "She's leaving again right?"

"Yes ma'am." Bokuto said squishing me. "Now go change into to comfy clothes!" Bokuto said throwing me.


Kuroo quickly dropped Katsuki and caught me. "Bro you need to stop throwing her."

"But she's so small!" Bokuto said squishing my cheeks together.

Kuroo slapped his hand and let me go to my room.

Akaashi handed me folded clothes while I walked.

Once I was in my room, I looked at what he gave me. Another Owl costume. "Where do you even buy these?" I said to myself putting it on after taking off the other on a had.

I took out my phone from the pocket of the old one. "It's off..." I quickly turned it on.

[43 unread messages]

Most of them are from Iwaizumi...

From: Weeaizumi
You're cheating on Oikawa with that owl kid!?

Owl kid? What.

From: Oikawaaaaaaaaa

Wait a Minute...
I quickly go on to ChatNoir and see MY post of my sleeping on Akaashi in the car.

"BOKU--" I ran out of the room to yell. I look around to see no Bokuto. "Ouch..." I heard from behind the door.

I look at him disgusted. "W-Were you peeking?!"

I suddenly hate him. He reminds me of... A bad version of Oikawa. Everyone that annoyes me reminds me of Oikawa.

Akaashi sighed and randomly carried me out of my home. "We're eating at my place."

Kuroo jumped up. "I'm going."

"Akaashi's mom drill." Bokuto said walking out.


"Keiji. She's so cute!" An older woman yelled pinching my checks. "No wonder she fell for you! He's violin playing is amazing huh?"

Violin? What? Doesn't Akaashi play Volleyball?
"I told you Volleyball isn't any good!" She said laughing.

"But I play Volleyball!' Bokuto said loudly.

"That's why you don't have a girlfriend." The woman say walking into the kitchen. "I'll make (FAVORITE FOOD CUZ IDK) today!"

Finally, someone who likes what I like.

Akaashi quickly pulled me into his room. "Act natural when she talks about me playing the violin."


"SEX ALREADY!?" The same woman screamed. "I TOLD YOU KEIJI."

"Please." Akaashi said pushing me into a wall.
His face coming closer and closer to mine.

What happens next week?


And yes I put Akaashi playing the violin cuz I love that au k? K


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