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Once upon a time, there was a princess who wasn't known through out the land. She wasn't very popular, but she was known throughout the area she ruled. All she had to do his share her honest opinions on things, and got amount of love for it. Together she ruled the land with her prince would was trusted with her life and it's stories.

Not knowing him, she trusted him anyway.

She couldn't always be there in her kingdom. Instead, she lived in a land where she was trapped in her own mind. She was nothing but trash to those people.

The only thing she would do to escape this trash-hole is to enter her world again. Not many people know her as who she is, because she was known as a lazy slob in the trash hole.

The prine of this trashhole was worse than the trash world it is already. Everyone worshiped him. He was perfect in the eyes. She agreed he was blessed with such looks.

One day, the princess promised the boy she loved in her kingdom, that they'd meet in the trash world and learn things from each other.

She was excited to see him. She knew that her looks weren't greater than the trash king, but she always wanted to meet the boy she met.

Getting her hopes to high might crash you down to the ground. Her hopes went too high as she found out such a perfect man she knew in her kingdom, was just the trash king she knew.

She held on to her hope for meeting him created her to become what it is now.

She was a princess.
He was a Trash prince.
She was a lonely slob.
He was a trustful perfection.


Oikawa's POV

I gave (Y/n) space to think on her own. She has a descion to stay in her room all day. It's time for breakfast, but she's not here. I don't want to bother her but...

"You want me to do what?" Akaashi said just now coming out of his room.

I held out the jug of milk and the bowl of cereal out. "Please give this to her."

Akaashi rose an eyebrow. "Are you asking me something to do for (Y/n)?" He sighed. "She doesn't like me right now. If I go back to her, she'll start liking me again. You do it." He said slamming the door.

I walk to (Y/n)'s door.
I hope I'm not bothering her.
"(Y/n)." I said putting the bowl on my other hand before knocking.

Nothing. I heard a little whine. "The door's open."
She left the door open all night?!

I walk into the room to see her curled up into a ball on the floor. "Jeez, you're in a room with two bed, but you sleep on the floor." I said putting her breakfast down on the table and carrying back on bed.

"Good morning..." She mumbled and pulling the blanket over her and falling back asleep.

She's still lazy...

I yanked the blankets from her. "You need to eat breakfast." I said helping her up.


Her word surprises me. "(Y/n)? Get up." I said pulling her up. "Why aren't yo--"

(Y/n) came over and pulled the blankets over her and went to sleep happily.
"(Y/n) I need you to eat." I said worried.

She's so subborn...

I cupped her cheek. My eyes widened. "You're face is so hot. (Y/n)?" I put the back of my hand on her forehead.

She's still sick...

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