If You Didn't Want Me Why Did You Kidnap Me?! (18)

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its sooo short, but its something

I had been having troubles sleeping, mostly because even though Noah promised to keep me informed, he hadn't been. What might be happening on Halloween never left my head, and my grades were starting to suffer. That was probably the least important thing I worried about, but my teachers weren't letting anything go.

“Skye? Can I see you for a moment? ...Alone.” My math teacher insisted, staring at Noah who was clutching my hand. I could tell he didn't want to leave me, either from the orders given or because he just didn't want to be away from me. He reluctantly let go of my hand and walked out, but I knew he didn't go far.

This guy was planning on complaining about my grades, it was obvious. He was going to say they had been slipping, but I already knew that. Ever since Noah told me about Halloween everything had been going down hill.

“Come to my desk, dear.” He said, leading me to his overcrowded desk, and the heavy wooden door slammed suddenly behind Noah making me jump. Being alone in a room that usually is full of other kids was eery but not as skin crawling as the way he was looking at me. He took giant steps in my direction, and effortlessly pinned be against the poster covered wall.

“Mr-” I tried to stutter out but he held both my wrists above my head with one hand covered my mouth with the other.

“Oh Skye. Sh. ...Nick gave me permission to do whatever I wanted if I saw it fit. And I think...” He moved his hand from my mouth down my neck, and rested it on my heaving chest, my eyes with bulging from my skull. “you're fit.” He attempted to say seductively, and before I knew it my knee jerked up hitting him so hard in his manhood that he dropped to the tiled floor like a ton of bricks.

Instantly, the classroom door flew open and I was expecting to see Noah with a panicked expression... not Amanda with the whisked back hair and red, ruddy cheeks. “Skye, lets go!” She yelled, and I ran towards her without thinking.

She grabbed a hold of my hand with an iron grip and began running down the hall to the main entrance. I quickly looked for Noah to find the hallway completely empty. “Amanda! Where are you taking me?!” I demanded, keeping up with her long strides.

“Don't worry Skye, we just need to make it to the car.” She said as we rushed up the steps, the double doors being held open by two stocky mean in starched suits. A black car was waiting idle with another large man holding that door open. Amanda jumped in, and pulled me in with her.

The car took off with squealing tires without the three large men, and I turned around breathlessly to see Noah running out of the main doors yelling something, only to be grabbed by the two suit wearing men roughly.

“NOAH!” I yelled, slamming my hands against the hard, tinted glass. All three men dragged Noah to another car I hadn't noticed in the haste.

“Don't worry, it will soon be all over.” Amanda said with a cool voice. I turned around and glared at her.

“What do you mean? What are you going to do to him?!” I demanded, she looked at me with shock.

“Skye, I know who you are. I know everything. I know that you're kidnapped, and I can fix it. You don't have to be held captive anymore. You're safe.”

“That didn't answer my question! You don't know everything if you think that I'm willing to leave without at least Noah. We need to go back, what are they going to do to him?!”

“Noah kidnapped you Skye, I'm doing you a favor. Please, calm down.”

“No. No you aren't. Take me back, bring me back there!”  

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