Cooling off

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Peyton's p.o.v
After that crazy ness went down my sister cam back.😒 Well Alec asked 'can you forgive me' I stayed ' why would I when you dared MY boyfriend to kiss you and didn't stop when I was crying when you did it ' she said 'well it's not that big of and deal' that was it that blow my top! I gripped her hair and flight you don't in the ground and then started punching and got up picked her up and flung her down I kicked her a few times. Then some one picked me up and going me over there shoulder and stared running up the staris. It was G he left and went down stairs. I walked down staryes after a while then I see G and Alex makeing out. I ran up stairs and cried and cried.

Then I got q notification on insta from "Nash Grier". It's was a DM.
   N=Nash p=Peyton
N hey I see that your single now
P yeah Johnson kissed my sister
N says what I'll teach him a lesson becouse you don't deserve to be treated like that anyeays would you like to go on a date with me tonight? @8
Omg!!! Did Nash just ask me out I jump up and dance then j rember  I need to answer him
P yes yes I have had a crush on you since like 1st grade 😳
N yeah same but I have not had the guts to tell you. When I had the courage to ask you out j saw your insta bio that you were taken that made me sad do I watched the bio I till it s said single so I could wake you 😳😳😳
P ohh is nashty blushing
N yes yes I am am
P ok 😂😂😂 what time will you be hear and what should I wear
N said I'll be there at 7:30 and dresses
P ok I'll be there see yeah then
N ok bye
P bye bye

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2016 ⏰

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