Chapter 4: Stitches

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Jen's POV

  ''Jen, Jen sweetheart. Can you hear me? Wake up sweetie.'' an Irish accented voice cooed.

  I groaned scrunching my eyes up tight then opening them slowly. Once they adjusted to the light I came face to face with the blonde one Niall. He smiled when I looked up at him.

'' Hey honey you were out for quite a while there, thought Harry killed ya.''

  I remained silent not knowing what to say.

  '' You can talk to me sweetie I'm not like Harry, besides he was just on a power high he doesn't act like that all the time promise.''

  '' How do you know my name!?!?!'' was the first thing I blurted out.

  '' Well you see err you'll find out later. For now though I almost forgot you need stitches.''

  '' STITCHES!!!!!''

  '' Yes stitches sweetie Harry cut you pretty deep more than once too. Don't you remember?''

  It slowly came back to me waking up in the basement, trying to escape Harry getting mad, Harry beating me, Harry cutting me. I shook my head slowly up and down answering Niall's previous question.

  ''Why didn't you just put them in while I was asleep then?'' I questioned

  '' Zayn said you had to be awake don't ask me why he just said so. While you were out he kept you stable by wrapping your wounds and using his drugs.'' Niall replied simply

  It was then that I noticed my right hand had an IV inserted in it, a couple bags of various fluids and blood hung from a pole above it. I cringed. Ughhh needles I hate needles.

 '' Wait did you say drugs, what do you mean by drugs!?!?!?''

  ''I'll explain later, for now I'm gunna go get Zayn. Sit tight k?''

  I huffed I may need stitches but that doesn't mean I'll make getting them an easy task, not by the least. Two sets of footsteps approached the door, making loud thudding noises as their feet hit the ground. I laid there waiting silently my nerves starting to take over. The door knob turned and in walked Niall and a man with black hair styled in a quiff, brown eyes and tan skin. This man I assumed was the one Niall called Zayn.

  ''Hey there Jen I'm Zayn, I'm sorry about what happened to you but don't worry I'll fix you up nice and quick. Yeah?''

   ''You know I think I'll be fine. Uhh thanks for the offer though.'' I replied trying to avoid getting stitches at all costs.  

  '' Nice try love but not getting help wasn't an option. Niall I'm gunna go get the equipment maybe try and calm her down a bit yeah she seems nervous.''

  I cringed again 'equipment that doesn't sound good ' I thought.

  Once Zayn excited the hospital like room Niall moved to the side of my bed.

  '' You know love there's no need to be scared, Zayn knows what he's doing he won't hurt you. He treats all our medical issues and is quite good at it might I add.'' Niall said soothingly while stroking the back of my hand lightly.

  ''All of us what do you mean all of us! How many of you guys are there!'' I screeched.

  Panic struck me if there's more then just Zayn, Niall and Harry I may never escape and be stuck here for the rest of my life.

  ''Shh love after your all taken care of and rested we'll explain. Alright?''

  ''Ok fine.'' I said dropping the subject for now.

Taken (A One Direction Kidnap Fic for Pasionate1DFan)Where stories live. Discover now