Chapter 1: Gone

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Chapter 1: Gone

'' See ya later!'' I yelled to my best friend as I started walking down the street.

  Man am I regretting staying so long its getting dark, I HATE the dark well walking home in it anyway you never know what's lurking around each corner waiting to get you. The thought of a stranger snatching me up gives me shivers. The wind picks up suddenly causing my brown waves to blow with it obscuring my vision.

  ' Great its getting colder now to cold and dark god what could possibly happen next!' I thought while pulling my thin sweater closer and starting to lightly jog. Homes only a block away now just one more block and I'd be home in my warm, comfy bed watching Teen Wolf with my cat Mr. Whiskers. As thoughts of home filled my head I didn't notice the street lights turn on, it was now pitch black the only thing lighting my path was the eerie illuminating glow of the street lights above me. At this point Id been running for around 10 minutes exhaustion took over making me slow to a walk just as I'd reached the shortcut to my house. The short cut was a long, dark alleyway that led almost straight through to my homes driveway. Normally I'd never use this shortcut at night but it took at least another 10 extra minutes off my walk and I was tired, cold and now hungry. Swiftly I started down the alley the only sounds were my soft footfalls as I continued my trek home.

  Rattling of a trashcan behind me caught my attention causing me to spin around out of pure instinct to check to see who or what was there. I was met with the glowing eyes of a racoon that had been digging away for food. I took a deep breath scolding myself for being so scared it was just a little racoon after all nothing to be afraid of. I turned back around and continued my journey once again hoping it wouldn't be interrupted again. Just as I reached the end of the alley two glove clad hands pulled me back, covering my mouth as well silencing my blood curdling shriek of terror. I was then roughly pushed in to the cold, gritty brick wall as my masked kidnapper fished around in his black sweater pocket for something. Seeing my chance I ducked under his arm and bolted back out of the alley. Only to have a heavy weight tackle me down on to the cold, hard ground. The man made quick work of straddling me immobilizing any movement. After a few moments I heard his deep, husky voice speak in to what I assumed was a cell phone or walkie talkie.

  '' Hey Ni, yeah its Hazz bring the van round to that alleyway on Maple St. I got her and hurry up she's a fighter.''

  After 5 minutes of awkward silence I heard the rumble of an engine approach the end of the alleyway. My body was lifted and  carried towards what I guessed was the van that Hazz was talking about. Thinking fast I decided to try and loosen my captors grip, I started to squirm, kick punch drag my heels anything to prevent movement. But failed. As the van neared my hopes plummeted I was going to be kidnapped and there was nothing I could do about it. The back of the van was opened and I was tossed in landing with a thud on my backside, my kidnapper clambering in beside me. He removed his mask hastily giving me the chance to look at his appearance for the first time. He was definitely good looking with bright emerald green eyes and chocolate curls that framed his face perfectly a smirk played on his lips. Looking at my surroundings I noticed that the seats had been removed from the van and the windows blacked out so I couldn't see where we were going, which scared me now if I did escape some how I may never find my way home. I also took notice to the looks of my second kidnapper Ni. He had blonde hair styled in a quiff and bright blue eyes, or at least that's what I could see anyway from the mirror up front. His gaze shifted to me as he started to speak to Hazz.

  '' Hazz I think you should do it now before we reach the house don't want our little lady over there to try and escape us.''  Ni said his thick Irish accent filling my ears.

  '' Alright Ni where's the stuff? '' asked Hazz in his deep British accent.

  '' Under the seat, black suitcase.''

  '' Found it!''

  As Hazz straightened up from his crouched position I noticed he had a black suitcase in his hands, but what he produced from it shook me to the core. A white, spotted cloth and a bottle. I wasn't stupid I knew what that bottle contained chloroform. Chloroform a simple substance that would have me knocked out in minutes weak and defenseless. I wasn't gunna let that happen who knows what'd they'd do to me. I quickly scooted away from Hazz narrowly escaping his grasp. Eventually though he had me cornered pinning me to his chest shoving the horrid smelling cloth to my mouth and nose. I held my breath not ready to give in so easily.

  ''Breath love, breath it will be so much easier this way.'' his voice whispered in to my ear, his hot breath tickling my skin.

  Not being able to hold my breath any longer I took a deep gasp like breath, causing the chemicals to invade my lungs.

  ''Good girl, that's right take nice long deep breaths.'' he chanted removing the rag once he seen fit.

  After the rag was removed from my face my head drooped on to his chest a wave of fatigue hitting me like a ton of bricks. I felt my body being jostled and placed gently this time in to Hazz's lap. The last thing I saw before I let sleep consume me entirely was those piercing green eyes and chocolate curls.






vicky_loves_1D Xx  =P

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