music (5.26.16)

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sorry for leaving u guys!! I've missed ya'll so much!

anyways, onto the topic for today !

do u listen to music that glorifies God?
or worldly music? ((peep the song in the media section- it's currently my favorite worship song lol listen to it!!))

I struggle with this soooo much you guys don't even know.

ok so I'll try to listen to only Christian music for like a week and than a secular music artists will come out w a new album and all my friends will be singing songs from the album and I'll be like "wow that sound good I should listen to it" and then I start listening to it everyday until God makes me realize I'm supposed to be different from the world.

Romans 12:2
Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will.

when a song isn't about God, it may not be music that glorifies satan, but he's definitely pleased that you aren't listening to music about God.

This is hard for me, because ok I'm black, and recently there's been a lot of black artists such as Beyoncé, Kendrick Lamar, and Rhianna standing for us black people and black women in the music industry, and at the same time I want to stand with my black brothers and sisters, but then I realize I'm conforming to the ways of the world when I'm supposed to just follow God's will for me- to spread His good news.

So I'm trying to only listen to Christian music, because I'm a Christian.

quick Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, I pray you help me to portray you in everything I do, and that begins with the music I listen to. I pray you help me to really grasp the lyrics in worship songs, and to deeply understand they are simply to glorify you and no one else. In your precious son, Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

God bless ya'll and I'll probably update tomorrow!! 💗😘

ps: Speaking of music, I made it into worship team at my school!! All the glory to God ☝🏾️

pss: my favorite lyric in the song above is "For my champion's not dead He is alive" it's sooo powerful

psss:  the way  my mom put it was "there's only two people, the devil, and God (who's also Jesus, and his father, but anyways), if you're not listening to music that's for/about God, then what are you listening to?"

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