hardship (6.28.16)

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I'm undergoing hardship right now

can ya'll please pray for me and my family?

we lost our house 5 months ago and today my mom lost her car, because she couldn't afford to pay for it.

my dad isn't helping at all besides giving her $40 for groceries every week, my mom is going to work every night, sleep deprived, just to provide money for food and school, while she goes to nursing school during the day to get a better job

currently, we're staying at a relative's house. and using their car.

can ya'll pray that God supplies our needs with more than we hope for, and brings our family closer to help others who are going through the same thing.

I know God will make a way, he did when our AC shut down. our AC was out from June 1st to September 2015. It was colder outside than it was inside. Mind you, this is in Florida. And I can't remember much, but my mom mentioned hell would be 10x worse, which I believe was part of the lesson learned from this.

But I believe God will provide our home and car, sooner than later.

Also pray for my parents, my dad threatened my mom the last time they talked, so ever since then she hasn't spoken to him face-to-face. She says that when God provides our home, our dad won't be living there, and I think it's for the best, because my dad isn't exactly a Christian. He claims he is, but then does stuff that says otherwise (ex: his family worships the devil. and when I say worship the devil, I mean worship the devil.)

So pls pray for me.

comment below what hardship you've gone through and how Jesus brought you through it 👇🏿

((Update: we got a car a few days after this, because I wrote this a while back I just forgot to post it oops))

but still keep our house in your prayers!!

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