drifting (8.22.15)

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so school started about two weeks ago???

and ever since ive been drifting away from God. i don't know what to do, because im in school from 7:40-2:50 and idk how to spend time w/ Jesus during that time

my goals been to get closer to Him, not drift away.

but this week im gonna try to do this thing where i set an alarm on my phone to spend time w/ Jesus. i did it during the summer for like two weeks and my life was 100x better

so id set one for 5:15 am bc i start getting ready at 5:30 am for school

and then I'd have another prayer time at 3:00, and if i have cheer practice ill do it at 5:30 and again at around 8:30 at night

so it's basically spending time w/ Jesus three times a day

and you don't have to just pray, you could talk to him

like tell him how you felt during the day, if people made u mad or sad or if you felt like things were unfair or something.

He wants to hear from you, just talk to him like He's your friend, because he should be :))))

like for example ((this happened to me a few days ago)) : God, I'm angry at my brothers. They keep irritating me and being annoying. I want to forgive them easily and get over what they did but it's so hard.

just talk to him!!! it's so easy!!

and prayer time

quick prayer: Dear Lord, I pray I'll become closer to you and that we'll become best friends. I pray I'll be able to tell you everything I'm feeling and you'll be able to help me out with it and to help me forgive those you've wronged me. In your precious son Jesus' name, amen.

bleh im not proud of the prayer bc it's v awkward to me but we're talking to Jesus. He doesn't care how we talk, just what we talk about.

WHALE, have a Christ-centered week guys!! Jesus loves you, and I do too!!

-tika ♡

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