Chapter 4: Unmasked

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Just a quick but important author's note. I will NOT update until I get at least TWO comments. Please, I'm getting five steady commenters on another site and I'd like to continue this story on here.

Disclaimer: I do not own the Twilight Saga.

Chapter four: Unmasked.

"Do you have anything yet, Ang?"

"Not just yet, Ali," Angela responded.

"Alright, text me if you have anything. We're going to talk some more with the owners."

“‘Kay, talk to you soon." Click.

I exhaled quietly and put my cell away. Jessica, Mike, Jasper and I were currently headed to Sam's dinner. We were planning to uncover more details on paranormal events and possibly confirm that information collected from the strange incident of dancing words that I had experienced the other night, were true. While Angela and Ben were scooping for information on Rosalie and reported deaths of any Emmett's in the local library.

Today was a beautiful day for investigating. It was day three of helping ghost 'Rose'.

All of us were wearing shorts and t-shirts to cool off under the pulsing sunshine of an afternoon in June. I had the newspaper clippings we found tucked away in my black leather shoulder bag and Mike was carrying his bag of technical equipment.

I had a feeling this would be a successful trip today.


I looked up to see a smiling Emily, slide out from behind the long serving counter. Her hair was pulled up into a simple bun, wisps of chestnut strands falling around her heart-shaped face. Her chocolate brown eyes shone with true gratitude and a sweet motherly atmosphere.

"Have you eaten lunch yet?" she asked, catching each pair of eyes.

I nodded a yes for all of us as Emily flashed another smile and quickly guided us to the women's washroom where we previously contacted Rosalie.

"Have you seen or heard anything in here?" Jessica asked while glancing around the beige coloured room.

"Nothing out of the ordinary, even the daily acts of kindness towards customers have stopped. I believe she's waiting on you guys."

I hummed in thought, stepping along the length of the stalls. I could vaguely sense a layer of psychic energy hovering above the whole area.

"Sense anything yet, Alice?" Mike asked, unpacking his stuff.

I shrugged. "A bit of psychic energy, nothing too big, yet."

"How 'bout you, Jasper?"

"Lingerin' sadness but that could be result of our EVP last night," his deep Texan drawl answered. "I'd say all is quiet for now."

"What if were tried contacting that Emmett spirit today?" Jessica suggested.

Emily's eyes widened in question as she asked, "There's another ghost?"

I nodded. "We heard him talking through the recorder when we replayed the EVP's. We brought them with us today and I think you and your husband should hear them."

"Sure, I'll go get him," she quickly replied while exiting the small room.

"Should we use the ghost box?" Mike asked.

"Ghost box?" Jasper questioned, confusion written all over his face.

I muffled a small chuckle before Jessica answered him. "It's a device that flips through AM and FM radio stations that spirits use to communicate, that's the theory at least."

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