Chapter 20: The return

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*Angela's POV*
My head felt like hell. I couldn't think straight or remembered what I did. I was stuck in a pentacle. I couldn't leave outside of it. I looked around me, seeing that I was in the bell tower where Freya performed her spells. "Freya!! Klaus! Elijah! Rebekah!" I shouted. I heard someone coming up the bell tower, which was the person I didn't knew was here. Stefan. I was damned surprised. I wanted to hug him or just talk to him.

"Stefan. Why are you here? Why am I here?" I asked him. I barley moved from the spot.

"Well, since I've called 30 times in the past month, I was worried for you. I came yesterday to make sure you were okay but I see you aren't." He said. I was confused. I don't remember seeing him yesterday or remember what I did this week.

"What happened to me? Why can't I remember these past few days?" I asked. Then Klaus came him. "Doesn't matter, love. You won't remember about today either so I suggest you keep you petty questions to yourself." He said. When I saw him, I just felt confusion about him. I didn't know what to feel. Then I remembered. I'm a hybrid.

"Is it because I'm a hybrid? Did I kill people? Klaus!! Stefan!!! Look me in the eyes and tell me the truth!" Silence between us. Klaus didn't look back at me. Stefan just stood still. "Klaus. I'll tell her. Don't worry." Stefan said. "No. I have to do this." Klaus said. Stefan left and Klaus came closer to me.

"Remember what I said before you went into transition to being a hybrid?" He said. I shook my head meaning no. "I swore that you wouldn't become a monster like I am. I thought I could of controlled your thirst but I failed to do so. Angela, you escaped and we didn't see you for days. I was worried what things you would do to innocent people. You did kill people. You became my own creation. I sought my own wantings instead of yours. I..." He stopped his words before he could finish. "I don't blame you Klaus. I knew this was going to happen because of the consequences I had to pay for falling in love with you..." I stopped and heard those words come out. Falling in love with you.... I was stupid. Before Klaus could say a word, Rebekah came in. "Niklaus. We're ready." She said. Rebekah broke the spell I was trapped in and I walked out, following her. I looked back seeing Klaus, staring back at me.

*Klaus's POV*
When those words came out of her, I was relieved. She fancy me like I fancy her. She was just a teen. She had better things to worry about than me. After they took Angela away, I stayed behind. "Brother, do you remember the deal we made?" Said Elijah. "Yes. After this is over, she will go back to Mystic Falls. Too much danger here for her." I said. Deep deep deep inside of me doesn't want to let go of Angela. I just love her too much. "Good. Now let's go." Said Elijah. If only Elijah knew I was leaving also. We followed Rebekah where she was taking Angela. We went down the church and into the basement where it lead to a long hallway to the cellar. All I hear is our footsteps and Angela's voice talking to Rebekah.

"So, whats going to happen after I'm back to werewolf form?" She asked Rebekah. "Well I don't know love. That's for fate to decide on you." Rebekah said. After a few steps later, we went into the cellar where Freya prepared everything for the spell. This notorious day will change everything. The witches were already around the pentacle preparing.

Before we could start, Freya came to me. "Niklaus we need to talk. Come." She pulled me aside and she seemed very nervously, worried. "There's something else about the spell that will have an effect on her. Very big. Some memories will be erased. That would be the recent ones. She won't remember you or us. Maybe she won't recognize Stefan so I told him about this and he says yes. Its your choice now." She says. I had to choose the worst answer. Yes. It was better for her not to be with creatures like us. "Yes. Let's do the spell now." I said. She goes back to the cellar and draws blood from Angela's arm.

"Lets lay her on the pentacle and we will do the connection into her blood to earth. All we have is faith but first, we must call out our ancestors." Said Freya.

Angela looked back at Elijah, Rebekah, Stefan, and me. She was scared. I could feel it. "Niklaus are sure you want to watch?" Asked Rebekah. I nodded back. Angela blacked out then came the separation. Angela's blood dripped into a bowl and she looked pale. "Angela. If you can hear my voice, you will feel some pain but just hold on." Said Freya. "Alright. Witches, let's finally finish." She said. "Cum patribus nostris: et hunc inopem vocat puellam. Fac a werewolf est. Tolle hanc Hybrid sanguine!!" Repeated everyone.

I couldn't imagine what pain she would be in. Her screams of pain and paleness of skin worried me. I couldn't do anything but this was better for her. She opened her eyes which turn bloody red.

*Angela's POV*
I screamed and screamed. I couldn't see nothing still. I had to be strong. Suddenly I opened my eyes and I see my eyes red as blood. I saw Klaus for a second. What I saw was darkness and pain. I could hear the witches chanting loudly. I couldn't stop. My bones cracked and my teeth grew big. I took a deep breathe and focus on Freya's voice. My blood kept draining into a bowl and my eyes changed color. Then this force I felt, which it was like separation from something. My skin felt like it was burning. I was tired. I wanted everything to be over.

*Stefan POV*
Klaus couldn't take anymore of watching her in pain. He left and I wanted to wait for this to be over. I wanted to be there for her. Finally a huge breeze passed by us and the witches stop. "Its done Stefan." Said Freya. I stared at Angela laying at the ground ,tired and unconscious. I picked her up and took her back to her room. I don't know what will happen. Will she remember me? Will she remember the Mikaelson's? Maybe she won't. I have to there when she wakes up. I left her room and tried to find Klaus. I went to the library finding him sitting, drinking his bourbon. "Its done Klaus." I say. "Come. Get a drink." He says. I get a glass and I sit next to him. "You care about her. I care about her. The others also. It doesn't mean we have to stop. Even if she forgets us." I said. He just stared into space. I put my glass down and leave. "Fine. Whatever." I say.

I go downstairs and talk to Hailey. "Hey Stefan. How's Klaus?" She ask. "Actually I don't know. He just said a few words and that's all. What's his deal?" I ask. Then I hear Jackson come into the kitchen. "His deal is he doesn't want to show emotions. He's an asshole like that." He says. "Can you hold Hope Stefan? I'll be back." She says. I looked into the girl's eyes and she looked so beautiful. "She's pretty isn't she? I love Hailey and Hope like if she was my own. Do you have anyone you love?" Jackson ask. "Well I had loved a girl named Caroline. She and I were just perfect. Until this thing with Angela, Caroline said to worry about Angela than her, but I still love her." I say. "Wait. Caroline Forbes? Klaus's ex Caroline?" He asks. I nodded.

Hailey comes in and I give her back Hope. "Well, I have to talk to Elijah and Rebekah. I'll see you guys later." I go to the abattoir main room and find Elijah. "Stefan. I need a word with you." He says. "Sure. What is it?" I ask. "I checked Angela's family information and it seems they died 4 days ago but her siblings are alive. Adam, Andrea and Amelia." Elijah said It wasn't possible. "No. I checked there information a week before. H-how did her parents die?" I ask confusedly.

"House fire. 4 days ago at night, the fire started on the back door and no one smelled it until the oldest, Amelia notice it and got her siblings. She tried to get her parents but her parents were trapped. They left their parents, burning alive. They said that no gas leak caused it. Someone tried to kill them." He said. "Do you know where is her siblings?" I ask. "At their Aunt's house in San Diego. We should leave her there." Says Elijah. "I'll go tonight. Rebekah pack her things and I'll get the tickets." Elijah nodded and I sigh. Angela will get her life back.

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