Chapter 26 Grayson

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This world is crazy. I haven't even been here for a week and I can't take it anymore. Nobody understands us, we don't understand anything. How are we supposed to spend the rest of our lives her. I would rather beau tee by the empire then to be here, and that's saying something. I'm done with my so called parents. I'm done with everything.

Mia and Drake must have noticed my annoyance on the way to our next class. They were concerned.

"Grayson, are you okay?" Mia asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I said, showing my aggravation.

"If anything is wrong you can tell us."

"I said I'm FINE!"

I broke away from Drake and Mia, leading us to our next class. We finally got there. I sat far away from Drake and Mia. They didn't understand. They didn't know what it was like. I was in a world of torture. Everything was ending for me. They had it made. They had somebody there for them at every moment. All I had was Jack. He was a good dog but he can't talk about my problems with me. And I'm still not over my family. All those years ago. All down the drain.

"Grayson," Drake said as he put his hand on my shoulder. "What has gotten into you?"

"I can't believe you two," I said. "You think we are all going to live happily ever after. Reality check, the world hates us. One dead end after another. And if you don't realize that now, things are only going to get worse. We are doomed."

"Grayson, don't say that," Mia said as she grabbed my hand. "What has gotten into you?"

"Just get away from me!" I broke away yet again. This time I ran into the closest crowd. If they would just open their eyes they would have understand. But no, they were defiant and ignorant. They were acting like idiots.

I turned to see if they followed me, but they were nowhere in sight. Finally. I was by myself. Just the way it should be.

I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and bumped into a girl. She had a full head of green hair, bright green eyes, and an apple in her hand.

"Hey Grayson," she said before she giggled.

"I'm sorry, do I know you," I replied.

"Oh Grayson you're so cute. It's me, Sylvia. But like I have said, you can call me Syl."

"Okay. We'll have to catch up later, I have a seat to find."

I broke away from her, finally finding a seat in the room. I saw Drake and Mia, looking disappointed. I didn't care. I didn't care about anything. I just wanted to wake up from this dream. This nightmare. I wanted it all to end. Sylvia sat right next to me. Great. Some random person who thinks I know who the are. Just perfect.

Class finally started. I didn't listen to a single thing. Maybe I wanted to be defiant. Maybe I wanted to leave this putrid world. I don't know where all of these thoughts came from, but I didn't care. I didn't care about anything anymore. I didn't care if Armen got us away from our parents. I didn't care if my father hit me some more. I didn't care if my mother yelled at me. I didn't care if the world hated me.

I didn't care about anything except Jack. I was done with what this world had to offer.

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