He's Afraid!!! He Is Crushing On Me?!?!?!?! Pt. 123

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May 19, 2016

Hey there Song bird,

It's KK and I'm listening to She's Not Afraid by One Direction. My friend Laura and I were talking and she and Ethan were talking and playing a question game and she asked him if he would ever date a bisexual emo girl and he said maybe until Laura told me the truth to guess what he really said and I said He likes me? And she said yea, and I said Ethan likes me as a crush?!?!?! 😃😃😃 and she said Yes Duh . But don't tell him I told you. Please. He will yell and scream at me and hit me please don't. And I REALLY want to tell Ethan~Kun that I have a crush on him as well, so the ship Kethan MIGHT happen so YAY FOR LIFE AND THAT AS WELL!!! I don't know why Ethan is so afraid to tell me how he feels about me. God I love Ethan, SO VERY much!

See ya tomorrow Songbird,
-KK 🎶🏹🎶

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