Chapter 17: I'm Too Lazy

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A/N: It's finally here!! thank you all for being so patient and understanding, and I know it's short, but this is something that I hope makes up for it <3 Enjoy loves :)

We pull up against the curb and I look out my window and see that we are at the city park. I look over at Colby and raise an eyebrow.

"We could've just walked here, you know?" I laugh and he grins.

"What's the fun in that? I'm too lazy." and with that, he gets out of the car. I shake my head smiling and get out of the car too.

We walk to the swing set where we were not to long ago. I sit down on the swing and watch Colby walk over. He's wearing a white V-neck and some black jeans and converse. I notice he's gotten a haircut since the last time I saw him. He smirks at me as he sits down next to me.

"You checkin me out, princess?" he grins. I laugh.

"You wish."

He grins and then looks at me. There's this look in his hazel eyes that sends shivers down my spine. His eyes gaze over me and they hesitate a little as he stares at my lips. He hangs his head down a little and sighs.

"What is it?" I ask. He looks up at me, bites his lip, and then stands up. He holds his hand out to me.

"Let's take a walk."

I grab it absentmindedly and he and I start walking. I don't know our destination, but I don't care. The tingles that our coming from our intertwined hands is distracting me.

"I want to tell you a story." he says finally.


*Colbys pov*

"There was a little boy," I start out, cliche as fuck. I don't know where we are headed, but I don't care. For the past week, I've been fighting myself about this, but this has to be done. I like her, I'll admit it now. I haven't known her for very long personally, maybe a month, but I know that I like her. But before I can do anything about it, she needs to know. Besides, with Jared walking around, he'll open his big trap soon. I'm running out of time.

I look down at Brooke who is watching me intently. "Who saw a little girl. He thought she was very pretty, but there was something else about her that caught his attention. This little girl was different. The little boy stayed quiet though, not sure on what to say to her, or how to speak. As time went on, the little boy grew up and... did some very bad, bad things."

We walk over to a park bench and sit down. I lean back and sort of stare off into space. I can feel Brooke's gaze rest on me. "The little boy had lost his grandfather and grandmother,who were very close to him, in a fire. He didn't know what to do with himself. His parents were so busy with their own lives that they never really gave him much thought. He felt very alone and, without anyone's guidance, he started to go down a bad path."

I hear Brooke's breath hitch a little, and hold back from refraining myself. She needs to know this. "He was walking alone one night. He didn't know where he was going. All he knew was that he wanted to get away. He needed air so that he could clear his head and think. As he walked, he came across this man. This man was a very peculiar man. He had brown hair and these menacing eyes. The little boy, now 14, thought that he could take him on if he tried to do anything. To the little boy's surprise, the man didn't try to pull any kind of stunt. He simply stood up and walked over to him.

"The man then introduced himself to the little boy, and told him his name. He said that he knew what the little boy was going through and that he was heading down the wrong path, but he could help the little boy turn around and go onto the right one. The little boy who was vulnerable and naive, nodded his head and decided to follow. Within weeks, the little boy was turned into a... a monster."

I feel tears prick the back of my eyes as memories flood into my head. Memories that took me years to block out. But I keep going. "He sold drugs to people so that he could earn money. He'd give the money to the man and the man would split it 50/50.  The little boy started to follow the man around. He saw things that no man should see. He saw people get murdered. Innocent people. He saw people get mugged and tortured..." My voice sort of fades, but I clear my throat.

"The little boy was scared. He knew, that this time, he was in way over his head. He followed the man for six months. Within those six months he made a few enemies, but he also made a good friend. The little boy met another little boy, a little boy with flaming red hair. They instantly connected. That was probably the only good thing that came out of that experience for the little boy."

"How did the little boy escape?" Brooke asks, her voice a little raspy.

I look down at her, staring into her grey eyes. "I don't know. The little boy just woke up one day and he didn't get any messages from the man. He didn't hear from anyone else in the ring. The only person he heard from was the other little boy. Apparently the word slipped out that there was a drug ring, and the people fled town, never to be heard or seen again." I look over at Brooke who has tears in her eyes.

"As the little boy grew older, he tried forgetting about his past through alcohol and women. He went to parties every other night and hooked up with so many girls he lost count, but he still had nightmares. Every night. That is, until he unexpectedly ran into the little girl from previous years. She still had that same spark in her eye that caught his attention just like it did years ago." I smirk a little. "Ever since she came along, the little boy loss the need for alcohol or sex. As long as she was around him, the memories faded away and he was actually happy." I look over at Brooke to see her looking at me with an unnamed emotion in her eyes.

I'm about to say something when I feel her lips press against my own.

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