The Big Day

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A/N so this pic above is basically how I pictured Link for the wedding. Just imagine a white shirt with a small teal bow tie around his neck. 😊


Sarah POV

After months of planning and waiting the day finally came. Mine and Link's wedding. Now naturally, Maddie, my best friend, is my maid of honor. Rhett is Link's best man but I've also asked if Rhett can do something else for me. Since my parents are no longer around, I have asked Rhett to walk me down the aisle. It feels right. I'm sure my father wouldn't mind. He loved Rhett and Link.... even when we were kids. I'm sure he and my mom are both smiling down upon me today on possibly the greatest day of my life.

I have a beautiful white wedding dress. My bridesmaids are dressed in teal gowns while the men have black suits with teal bow ties. And Link, my husband-to-be, is wearing..... Well actually I don't know what he's wearing. He wouldn't show me. But that's fair because I haven't shown him my wedding dress either. So I guess we both will be surprised when I see him later today.

****Time Skip To Actual Wedding****

I'm about to march down the aisle. Rhett walked down with Maddie a few seconds ago but he came back to get me. I'm so nervous. But it's a good nervous, not an I-can't-do-this nervous. Apparently Rhett noticed my anxiety.

"Hey Sarah, you okay?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah. Just nervous."

"You have absolutely nothing to worry about. You're about to marry our best friend. You are so lucky. I'm sure many people only dream about marrying their best friend. None of them actually get the opportunity to do it."


"Yes. Really. I know he loves you. Whenever we're not talking about work or whatever's going on at the moment, he's talking about you. I think he's obsessed but I know he just adores you."

"Awwwwwwwwwww...... Thanks Rhett. I'm not so nervous now. I needed that. You always know what to say." I then give Rhett a hug.

"I just wish my parents were here to see this."

"Hey! They're watching you from heaven don't worry. Besides, they're always with you right in your heart." He gave me a goofy smile which made me laugh. Then, I looped my arm in his as we walked out the door of my room.

Once we get to the doors of the room with the ceremony, I freeze. I hear the bridal March playing and I take a deep breath. Ushers open the doors and I walk in with my flower bouquet in one hand and Rhett's arm in the other. He looks at me as if saying "relax. It'll be fine." We turn the corner and I see him.

Link is standing with his hands behind his back. His legs were widely spread and he was swaying side to side like he was either impatient or really nervous. I couldn't really tell. Oh but he was... just.... Indescribable. I couldn't believe it was him standing there. He definitely didn't look like the Link I knew. He didn't have his glasses on which I thought was a little strange. He also had his hair slicked back but he was in a black suit with a small teal bow tie. Wow!

About a minute later I get close enough to Link and Rhett kisses my cheek and wishes me good luck, then takes his place next to Link. I thank Rhett and can't help but stare right into Link's eyes. Somehow I always end up thinking about them or looking at them. He smiles at me but doesn't seem to mind that I'm staring. He never did. I then hand Maddie my bouquet and she hands me Link's ring. Rhett hands Link what I'm assuming is my wedding band as well. The officiant blesses the rings and then asks us to say our vows. Link and I both personally wrote our own vows because we are not traditional people and have our own things to say about each other. Apparently it's "ladies first" so I get out the piece of paper and begin to read my vows.

"Link, I never thought it was possible to fall in love with my best friend. But I did." I pause to take a breath. "From the first day in first grade all those years ago I felt something..... It wasn't until we were fifteen years old that I knew what it was. I secretly wished that I was your girlfriend every time you would hold her hand or kiss her but now, I don't have to." I laugh and look up at him to see him smile while he's listening. "I get butterflies in my stomach every time we kiss. I melt in your arms every time you give me a hug. I feel like I'm safe every time we're together and I'm in your arms. I always believed in soulmates. I just didn't know mine was so close and yet so far away for way too long. I love you Charles Lincoln Neal III and I will be very happy to love you for the rest of my life." I finish and then look at Link with a smile on my face and a tear streaming down my cheek. Tears of joy of course.

Link POV

"Wow. It's definitely gonna be hard to top that" I say with a nervous chuckle. I unfold the piece of paper that was in my jacket pocket and begin to read my vows.

"Sarah, I thought this was going to be the most difficult thing I had to do. It is so hard to think about every little thing I love about you." I pause and look up at her completely ignoring what I have written down. "But that's just it. When I saw you walking down that aisle I realized how simple it was. I love you. I always have. Ever since we were fifteen I knew I loved you." I stop and think about that time in my life. "That day you left is the day that will live in infamy in my mind. I am so glad I found you again." I smile and so does she. "I promise that I will never leave your side. I will be there no matter what happens. I love you and I always will..... for the rest of my life."

After I finish my vows and wipe the tear from Sarah's cheek, the minister asks us if we take each other... To be each other's husband and wife respectively.... If we promise to be true to each other in good times and bad, in sickness and in health... If we will love and honor each other all the days of our lives.

"I do" was both of our responses. The minister then asked if anyone objected to this marriage. Luckily no one did. We then place the rings on each other's ring finger and the minister says "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." I smile wide and look at Sarah. Her smile was just as wide as mine.

Today is the day we officially started our lives as a married couple. I love it.

I gently cup her face in my hands and kiss her for the first time as my wife.

I guess I have to get used to calling her that. I have a feeling it's going to take a while.

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