What Just Happened?

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Link POV

I have to call Christy. Why did she say we need to talk? What's bothering her? I wish I knew. Oh gosh, I hope it's nothing serious. I have to tell Sarah that Christy needs to talk to me. I have to find out why she is acting this way. Wait. I can't tell Sarah. I don't even know what this is about. I'll just tell her that Rhett needs me today. That should work. I hope.

"Hey baby, I have to go out."

"Oh what's up?"

"Oh.... Uhhh Rhett needs me. Emergency at the studio."

"On a Sunday? Really?" I nod my head and she sighs "Alright, fine." She kisses me goodbye and tells me to be careful.

Sarah POV

I don't like this one little bit. I think he's hiding something from me. What could it be?

Christy POV

I have to tell him. I have to. I can't hide it anymore. Every time I look at him, it all just keeps flooding back in my mind. I have to tell him. I have to tell Link that I still love him.

Link POV

I take my car keys and hop in the car. I know it's a long drive but I have to see what's bothering Christy.

Once I pull in front of Christy's house, I see Lilly about to leave to go to a friend's house. She runs over and hugs me goodbye and then runs back toward her friend. I see Christy at the front door waiting for me. She opens the door and lets me in.

"Hey, Christy. What's this about?" I walk in the door.

"Hey, Link." She closes the door and turns to face me. "Uhhhhh... Listen I know you may not want to hear this but I have to tell you something."

"Oh. Well what is it?"

"I..... I can't..."

"You can't what?" I walk closer to her.

I-I can't tell you."

"Why not? I thought we established the fact that you can tell me anything, and I mean anything, years ago."

"Yeah but that was different. That was when we were dating."

I take her hands in mine and bend down to look her in the eyes. "That still applies today."

She looks me in the eyes and then does the unexpected. She kisses me. I feel like I'm back in college. On the night we first met when I taught her how to roller skate because she didn't know how. At the end of the night she kissed me goodbye and it was just like this. I don't know why but this feels good. Wait. Did I just think that? What's happening? Why am I still kissing Christy. I have to stop this.

I break up the kiss. "What just happened?"

"I still love you Link. That's why I texted you and asked you over to talk. I don't know what to do. I need help. Help me Link!"

"Ch-Christy, I don't know what to tell you. I- I don't know what to do either." She starts to cry. We sit down on the couch and she continues to cry in my embrace.

What am I going to do?

"L-Link... I never... understood wh-why you had to l-leave and break m-my heart in two b-back in our last y-year of college" Christy says in between sobs and quick breaths. Once she calms down, she wipes her eyes and says "I never understood it until I met Sarah. The girl who stole your heart from day one. She always had it, didn't she?"

I nod my head. "Yes she did."

Christy sniffles and wipes her eyes one more time. "I guess I just always hoped you would one day wake up and realize I was the one. I guess I hoped wrong."

I sigh "Christy, listen. You will always have a special place in my heart. Even more now because of our daughter, Lilly. Our beautiful little girl who seems to grow every other weekend." Christy laughs. "I will always love you two. Don't ever forget that, okay?"

She nods her head after she sniffles. "Okay."

I hug her one last time and then drive home. Wow it's really late. I guess I lost track of time. I just hope Sarah isn't looking for me. I also hope she won't be mad at me when I come home late.

A few hours later I come home and Sarah is on the couch. I walk in and greet her with flowers.

"Oh hello Link." She smells the flowers. "Are these an apology for disappearing all day?"

"Yeah. I hope you're not too mad at me."

"I'm not. I just wish I knew where you went."

"I went to see an old friend. I'm sorry I didn't tell you before. I didn't want to worry you too much." I give her a kiss.

"Well just tell me next time okay?"

"Okay. I will. I promise." I smile and so does she.

"Good." She sits on the couch and pats the cushion next to her. "Come sit."

"Okay." I smile and take a seat next to Sarah on the couch. What an interesting day. I still wish I would've told Sarah the whole truth but I can't. Not just yet. I don't know why I keep doing this to myself. I put myself through pure torture some days and it gets confusing. Help!

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