Surprise Visitor

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Sarah POV

I opened the door because I heard a knock. I thought it was Link. It wasn't.

Instead it was Brandon.

"Oh. Brandon! I wasn't expecting you."

"Well, who were you expecting?"

"Uhhhhh... Link, actually. He and I were going to go out to dinner tonight."

"Oh. You mean as friends right?"

"Actually no. He asked me out on a date."

"What do you mean 'a date'?"

"I mean we're dating now. Actually we're engaged. He proposed to me yesterday."

"But you never even went out with this guy before and the last time I checked, we were still dating."

"Uh okay. First off, you haven't talked to me in like, a week. Second, the last time we spoke resulted in a huge fight-"

"Right! A fight. But that's all it was!"

"Not from where I was standing!"

"Well we fought all the time. You know-"

"No! We rarely fought! The most you and I have fought has been these past couple of months."

"But babe-"

"No! Don't you 'but babe' me! Ever since Rhett and Link have moved out here you have been jealous and over protective and honestly, I'm sick of it!"

"Yes I was but I had a right to be! I'm your boyfriend!"

"EX-boyfriend! You were afraid that I would leave you for him, weren't you?"

"No I wasn't!"

"Oh, that's such a load of crap!"

"No it's not!"

"Yes it is and you know it! The last time you talked to me you specifically told me to choose either you or him and I chose him!"

Link POV

Oh crap! I'm running late. I hope Sarah won't get mad at me. I have to go now.

After I get in my car, I drive to Sarah's house. When I pull up I turn off my car, open the car door and hear screaming. I automatically run up the driveway because I'm worried about Sarah. When I get to her door I see that it's already open and none other than heart-breaker- Brandon is in her kitchen yelling at her.

I really hate that guy.....

I walk in and he sees me. He comes over to me and starts yelling at me.

"What were you thinking, stealing my girl from me?"

"YOUR girl? Look at her finger! She's mine! And besides I thought you left for good the night you BROKE HER HEART!"

"Broke her heart? What are you talking about?"

"That night you two had a huge fight. Correct?"


"Right. You left her in pieces that night. She was upset and crying because of you."

"......" No answer.

"Who was there to pick up those pieces? Me! Not you!"

Sarah POV

Link and Brandon are both furious. They're mad at each other. I try to stop things but they seem to be getting worse.

Before I knew it, Brandon had punched Link in the face. Link staggered and then fell backwards. I screamed his name. He was out cold. I tried to confront Brandon but he slapped me across the cheek. My cheek was red and sore.

Soon Rhett came over. He must have heard the commotion that was being made here.

Rhett POV

I heard shouting from Sarah's house. It didn't sound good so I went over to investigate. I heard Sarah scream Link's name and then I walked in. I saw Sarah on the floor next to Link's limp body. Her face was red like she was just slapped in the face. Brandon was standing over Link with his hand frozen in a fist.


He just looked at me.


"Says who?!"


I look down at him since I'm about 6 inches taller than him and pick him up by his shirt. I get in his face.

"Don't you EVER come back here again. Got it?"

He just nods his head scared like a little kid. I put him down and he ran to his car. When he got in his car he sped off.

We never saw him again.......

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah Rhett. I think so. I can't say the same for Link though. Brandon hit him kinda hard."

"Oh. We should see if he's okay. Hey Link! Buddy! You okay?"

We heard a groan of pain so he was awake. Sarah and I decided we should take Link to the hospital to make sure nothing was broken. We hopped into my car and drove to the emergency room.

When the doctors were done examining him, we were pleased to hear that he was going to be alright. He didn't break anything but he was going to have a bruised nose for a while. Sarah was checked out too but she was fine.

Sarah POV

Well..... so much for that first date. Oh well. I guess we'll just have to try again some other time. At least we don't have to deal with any more problems for a while. I hope....

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