Going Home

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Link POV

Why did she go back home? There's no one there for her. I think she overreacted just a little bit. I mean. It was just a hug. It's not like it was anything serious like a marriage proposal.

Unless..... That's probably what she thought which would explain why she ran off in the first place.

I call Rhett and tell him what happened. He tells me to go after her. I tell him that's what I'm doing. He then tells me to be careful and bring her home safe. I tell him that I'm going to try.

By the time I get a ticket and get everything organized, I have to head to the airport. I call a taxi and I go to the airport and hop on the next flight to Raleigh. Once I get to Raleigh, I rent a car and head to my old home town, Buies Creek.

It was definitely strange being in Buies Creek again but I had a reason to be back. I had to look for Sarah. I ended up looking all over for her. I looked in the forest where we would hang out by the creek. I looked in the old tree house we had. I looked in the old abandoned house that I'm surprised was actually still there. I didn't find her.

Then I thought of what she wrote. "Where it all began." OF COURSE! Now it all makes sense. She went back to our old first grade classroom. I have to go there and see her.

Third Person POV

And so he does. Link goes to his old first grade classroom in Buies Creek Elementary School. He walks down the hall and looks in all of the classrooms. He then stops when he sees Sarah sitting at a small desk in the front of a dark classroom. She was the only one in there. Her head was down like she was sleeping. He comes in the classroom and sits behind her like he used to when they were young. She didn't notice.

Link POV

Maybe she is sleeping. Hmmmmm... I have to do something to surprise her and wake her up somehow. Maybe if I just give her a hug from behind she will wake up.

Third Person POV

Link wraps his arms around Sarah from behind and this makes her jump. She looks down and sees a pair of arms wrapped around her. She turns around, looks behind her and sees Link.

Sarah POV

I am in deep thought. I'm thinking about Link and I when we were held in from recess with Rhett. I had my head down and my eyes closed. I heard someone come in but didn't look up. I knew who it was. He sits down behind me and wraps his arms around me. It tickles and makes me jump.

"Link! What are you doing here?"

"I came to find you. I have to know, why did you leave?"

"I don't know. I saw you with another woman and I just got paranoid."

He chuckles and asks "Why?"

"Because she's pretty. Much prettier than I am. I thought if you were with her you would forget all about me.... Why are you laughing?"

"Because she's just a friend. I needed some advice and Rhett suggested that I talk to her because she helped him with the same problem." He was still laughing.

"What problem was that?"

He sighs. "Okay. So you know how you told me that you were feeling different lately?"


"Well.... I've been feeling differently too."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean....."

He pauses as if he's trying to find the words to say what's on his mind. He takes my hand in his.

"I love you" he says looking right into my eyes. I smile. I can't believe he just said that.

"I love you too, Link. I really do."

He smiles while still looking into my eyes.

I can't help but chuckle. "You haven't changed a bit, have you?"

He tilts his head like a confused dog. "What are you talking about?"

"I was just thinking about you from when we were kids. You are exactly the same person I knew and loved all those years ago. A goofball...... a dork...... a friend" I say as I laugh thinking about it. "You always had this way of making me feel better whenever I was upset."

He laughs and says "I think I still do."

"Yeah. You haven't lost that gift.....yet."

"Oh and you think I will?" he asks jokingly.

"It's hard to say. I hope not" I say while laughing.

"I love you" he says to me. He then lets go of my hand and stands up. I don't know what he's doing but I stand up to. Maybe we're leaving? I'm not exactly sure. Then he gets down on one knee and does the one thing I never thought he would do.

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