Every Day Without You

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Tell me what you think! If it's not well liked I'll probably discontinue, but if so, tell me and I'll keep it up

:) It was more of a starter chapter so far, a little boring. But I liked it, and it was fun to write, I already

have an idea for Chapter Two and it's in progress now!

Lots o' Lovin,



"Waitress!" Someone shouted and I groaned, picking up my tray, and making my way towards a slightly obese man shaking his hand at me.

I walked up to him and plastered a fake smile onto my face, "What can I get you today sir?" I wanted to gag at how cheesy my own voice sounded.

"How about a piece of that later," He said winking at me, and eyeing up my butt. He reached a hand out and pinched it.

"Sorry, I'm not on the menu," I said coldly smacking his hand. He chuckled. Dirty old pervert. I stomped on his foot and he cried out in pain. Served him right.

"Jesus christ," He moaned, and I heard a snort behind me.

I turned around and went rigid, the same guy that had been coming to the Grill all week was standing there, watching me intently. He had come in on Monday and hadn't stopped coming ever since. "Remind me to stay on your good side," He said jokingly. I looked at him, and I mean, for the first time I really looked at him.

The way he was dressed didn't make it look like he had come from this side of town, what he was doing here was a mystery. He looked upper class, and we were all middle. He was probably either working or in college at this point in time, doing something worthwhile. His dark lashes fringed his light baby blue eyes, and created an unusual contrast. His olive skin was neither blemished or scarred, another way I figured he wasn't from these parts. His light brown hair was a little shaggy and unruly, but it looked as though it were purposely done that way.

His chiseled features were anything but feminine, one hundred percent masculine, but his eyes were soft and welcoming. He had an amused smile on his lips, so it appeared almost everything was a joke to him. "Don't push your luck today," I said to him sternly.

"Yes ma'am," He said saluting me. I rolled my eyes and ignored him. Continuing on with my job, in the next fifteen minutes, I had already had two more men hit on me. At this point in time, I was reaching my boiling point, and glancing behind me seeing his bemused expression didn't help much.

As I was done snapping at another particularly perverted customer, I heard him chuckling in the corner, I glared in his direction and began picking up empty plates stacking them on my tray. My face was beginning to turn red from frustration and resentment. I let my dark hair fall like a curtain, and create a wall hiding my face from the people eating and watching me. Meaning my stalker in the corner.

Maybe he just really liked the grill, but the way he watched me with intensity thinking I hadn't noticed was a full giveaway. I saw him push his plate away and sit back, glancing in my direction as if to say he were ready for his check. I pushed my way through the tables, and customers eating and found myself in front of him. "Are you ready for your check sir?" I asked, politely wanting to vomit. He smiled up at me, never showing his teeth, his eyes flashing.

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