Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

Logan P.O.V

The grave is too shallow.

I'm sure of it. But the only shovel we had broke half-way through digging it, and no one, not even Joey, was bothered enough to use their hands for the rest. They didn't want to bury him at all and I suppose I can understand why. Ever since promising to Aaron that he'll take everyone up to Canada, Joey has been adamant on leaving and proving that he is capable of fulfilling that promise.

It was my idea to dig the grave and bury Aaron after he died from the infection. Partly because I think he deserved a proper send off and partly because I wanted to buy time. Time for Rocket to fully repair the bus, but also time for Stella to change her mind and come back. It's been what, almost two days now? I know with how stubborn she is that it was always going to be a long shot. But I would hate myself more than I already do, if she came back and we weren't here.

Now, with everyone packing up their things and getting ready to board the bus I'm trying to think of anyway to stall them for a little while longer. Because two days isn't a very long time, and there's still a chance that she could come back.

This is why I think the grave is too shallow. Already filled with dirt, you'd never be able to tell now but I'm certain that we didn't dig deep enough. I'm no expert, but I'm sure graves are a certain depth for a reason. The dirt in the backyard was already softened from being dug up long ago when I had attempted to build a pool. It would be easy to dig it up a third time using only hands. I briefly wonder what my ex-wife would think of having a body buried in her backyard. That thought is quickly waved away.

Deep down I know I'm lying to myself in a weak effort to try and make the idea of digging him back up seem more reasonable than it is. And now I find myself overwhelmingly angry at Stella and kicking at a mound of dirt beside the grave. Angry that she left without so much as a goodbye. Angry that she has me even considering the idea of digging up Aaron's body so that I can have more time to wait for her. And above all else, angry that she's made me care about her.

Damn that kid.

I've kicked up enough dirt that there's a sizable dust cloud overtaking the majority of the backyard. Someone clears their throat and I whip around to find Rocket standing by the back-door, watching me. How long has she been standing there? Long enough to catch my tantrum most likely. She doesn't say anything, but she catches my eye and raises her brow. As the dust settles around us she inclines her head forward the slightest bit, prodding me with her stare.

"What?" I ask, averting my gaze from hers as my face grows hot. I turn to look back down at the grave. She waits until the last particle of dust has settled before replying.

"You still think she might come back." The way she's phrased it, it's not a question and it's left me with no room to argue.

"Yes," I say. I contemplate giving her the weak excuse that the grave is too shallow, but there's no point. I don't even believe that lie.

"How long would you wait for her, Logan. Really?" she asks. I look at her and I hate the pity that's in her eyes. I don't need her pity and I sure as hell don't want it.

"I don't know," I say, "a week maybe."

"A week?" she asks. "You think she's gonna come back here after a week?"

"I don't know!" I snap and kick up another mound of dirt. A gust of wind comes in through the broken fence and picks up the dust, throwing it violently in every direction. I find myself blinking it from my eyes when Rocket places a hand on my shoulder and gently pulls me back around to look at her.

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