Chapter 4: Tuesday, 6 Days

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Tuesday, 6 Days

"Grace has six days left, or less."

He paused to look into my eyes, I stared daggers right back into his,-his, red eyes?

Red. Blood red. I shivered slightly in the drafty hall, "Grace has six days left, or less, If she doesn't follow me right now." He continued, staring unblinkingly at me.

"Follow me, or I will have to kill you." Anger surged through my veins.

"You have no right to tell me to follow you! First you stuff up my grammar test, next you get me stuck out in this hall then you tell me your gonna kill me. Yeah that doesn't seem all that bad to an Emo with a pair of fancy, expensive contacts, but for a girl who needs good scores for Uni, it's pretty big dea -"

Emo backed away quickly, his contacts must be a special changing colour edition or something, because they quickly turned brown, normal brown. His pale skin suddenly turned slightly tanned.

I looked away from his browning arms back to his face, he had his hands over his mouth in either wonder or horror. Then I noticed the roots of his hair turning slightly a sandy blonde. That's when I stopped feeling angry and was filled with curiosity.

And it stopped. His hair went black, his eyes went red and it looked like someone had washed off all of his surfer dude tan.

He stares at me in shock.

"How did you d-do that? They s-said that you couldn't d-do it yet!"

I looked at him like he was crazy, which he obviously was. "Uh excuse me dude, but I don't really understand emo speak. Yes I can get angry, everyone can, but at least I don't change colour! Are you a chameleon gone wrong!?!" I vented at him.

That was when Sam ran around the corner, high speed, aiming at me. My last thought before I was knocked into the wall was 'Surprising Mr. Sato hasn't come out yet.'

"Sam!" I whined as she ploughed into me.

"Grace did he hurt you!?!"

"Uhh, no?"

"Omigod, what are you doing here? How did you get past the border?" She screeched at Emo.

Emo glared at her. "They didn't tell me she could wield them yet!" He shouted.

"She can't!" Sam yelled back, then as an after thought. "Right?"

They both turned to me at the same time. "Excuse me, but would someone care to tell me what the hell is going on here!!!" I screeched right back at them, that's when another person decided to join the party.

"Sam! I'm here!" Panted the boy who had just rounded the corner.

The boy looked at Sam then at me then at Emo. A slight hiss escaped Emo's lips. Realisation struck as I remembered who this new person was in our lovely impromptu tea party.

He was one of the boys from Monday, who was fighting outside of the school gates. One of the guys that I swore never to get involved with. He had short brown hair, slightly familiar blazing green eyes and a small scar above one of his eyebrows.

Then I remembered where I had seen those eyes before. Answer; everywhere.

This boy was in most of my classes, everyone that Sam wasn't in. He was usually in my English too. He was always near me in the schoolyard, but at a distance with his friends. But he was still only a few metres away from me.

Unless Sam was there.

"Hello, welcome to this little dinner party! Lets all make ourselves comfortable and acquainted then tell me what the frack is going on!" I yelled at them.

"You." I said pointing at green eyed stalker."Who the heckles are you?" I had probably been listening to Layla and her 'Bad Words' too much.

He replied immediately,"Pat."

"As in Patric?"

"Some people call me that, but I'm Patronus."

"Right... You," I said pointing at Emo. "You're Em- I mean Joseph, you do chameleon stuff, and you,"

I said pointing at Sam. "Are Sam. And I am Grace. Glad we got that sorted, note the sarcasm. Now what are we talking about when you guys were saying 'borders', 'wield them' and what shouldn't I be able to do?" I shouted at the other three.

And that's exactly when Mr. Sato decided he would come out of the classroom.

"Sam, Patric, what are you doing here?"

"We were about to come and ask you for the information sheet on the short story competition, Sir."

Wow, Pat was a real good liar. Mr. Sato had been raving about how nobody wanted to join the competition for ages, this would definitely put Pat and Sam into his good books.

"Come back later you two, I'm a little bit busy right now." And with that Sam and Pat where gone.

"You two, come with me." He said grabbing mine and Emo's hands.

.......................Authors Note..................

Hello again guys!

How interesting was this chapter?!? I am actually quite proud at how it turned out. Answered one or two questions, by making about seventy more!

Hey, who likes Emo-Jo? And who so far likes Patronus.(For a little spoiler, look up what Patronus means in Latin.)

Well you'd better like them both, cause there gonna be staying around for awhile.

Anyway, see you all later,

All rights reserved, copyright by Amber(last name) updated on the 22/9/2013.

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